Here are some things I would like to do when this is over:
Go to an alt 80s disco with other people over 40 ( @Temptation_2000 I’m looking at you), visit nice libraries with beautiful architecture, drink in good pubs with great jukeboxes and nice tiles, paddle in the Irish Sea...
See the aurora borealis, browse quaint secondhand bookshops in market towns, go in one of old fashioned trains across European mountains, have knee-weakening kisses, see every one of my friends, seize the bloody bastard day.
I also want to go somewhere that requires a ludicrous amount of dressing up. But just wear jeans. (I’M KIDDING. I have velvet and lace and sequins galore going to WASTE.)
And HITCHCOCK’S. I want to go to @HitchcocksHull. Sit in a dark corner with a candle in a bottle and a rabble of pals, drinking gallons of red wine and eating piles of pecan pie.
You can follow @thenewbrunette.
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