I am going to make an unpalatable forecast.
Since it is impossible to take stringent action against the intransigent the screws will be tightened / sublimated on law abiding.
I am already seeing that happening.
14 days after I made this I am making this again.
Those of us who never broke this, are still in the same position for another 19 days.
Worse, the Statists are celebrating. I will follow the guidelines to the dot. But I know I am served the short end of the stick.
We will pay. https://twitter.com/Shehzad_Ind/status/1250035482227929089?s=20
25 days after. H easily made to toe the line.
A smart Police will identify areas that are contamination free for the last 33 days and reward with wider yet closed mobility combining adjoining clean areas. Make Green grow and restrict red areas. Did I say smart? Oops
How many believe social distancing in the next one Hole-i- month will strictly enforced.
That number may be taken as the number of naive people reading this thread😂
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