I've seen two Democrats win presidential elections. The first was a centrist who won widespread support with overwhelming charisma. The second was a centrist who positioned himself as a progressive break away from the political status quo, and who also possessed enormous charm.
The fact that Dem leadership seems to believe Biden, who reps the same bleak status quo for mils of Americans & who can barely put together a coherent sentence, & on top of that has been credibly accused of sexual assault, has the best chance of beating Trump says 1 of 2 things:
They are either unbelievably stupid, or would rather see Trump serve another 4 years than see Bernie get the nomination. Either way, clear that the Dem party est does not rep the people. Clearly Rs are worse...
But it is clear that the Democratic Party that has worked to foist Biden on the electorate be replaced by an actual resistance to both the naked authoritarianism of the Republican party and corporate control over both policy and enforcement.
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