In modern culture, a boy becomes a man at 18 by passively waiting rather than being forced to show exemplary strength, honor or resilience through a rite of passage. In ancient cultures, a boy had to prove his worthiness to become a man.

2) This is missing today, and it gives rise to the plethora of Peter Pan man-children who spend their days on Xbox, watching porn and binge drinking.

There is a serious problem with men today stuck in a prolonged obsolescence.
3) Many young men are postponing their lives under the guise of being responsible and “waiting for the right time”.

Comfortable lives encourage men to procrastinate everything from finding a serious career to starting a family.
4) The Agoge, meaning “education or upbringing,” was designed to help boys transition into manhood. Teaching them to be resilient even through adversity that was quite literally life or death.
5) To understand manners and etiquette to better fit in with the community, and to train for war, if the tribe needed defending from outside invaders.
6) These boys were also taught to speak with purpose, rather than to spout off nonsense to fill the void of quiet moments - an art that has been lost in recent years by a society that rewards only the loudest and most shocking.
7) Spartan children learned the value of Laconism, or the act of speaking economically and with precision, the term came from the region of Laconia which was famous for its concise speaking.
8) Your Ego Conveys Confidence

Modern society wants you to be soft and to quieten down your ego. The dark truth is you should have an ego, you should believe in yourself, so long as you are competent enough to back it up.

The world has changed.
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