soggy weetbix 🇦🇺 gc || in a nutshell
- thread
discovering that tors and bohyun are in relationships
chan succumbed to the seduction of one of tsukki’s 10 toes
can’t go forgetting bohyun and jen losing braincells over tryna find out who aone enthusiast was
tors date with oikawa’s tooth
discord is also being added to this thread 🤝 thanks tiff for telling us about bohyuns foot fetus
tiff never failing us to give good quality content
we went from bohyung dating the toes to beung the whole foot

bohyun really went there 😳
shin has joined the wall of shame
chat went rp mode
cha cha and this questionable taste
it’s only 10AM and we’re already canceling shin out
bohyun confirmed horknee horse
shin realising that maybe perhaps autocorrect isn’t working like it’s suppose too
gc 1v1ing for my hand in marriage
chie confirmed single pringle
left the chat for 2 seconds and chie ju-
mason said sausage rights
our gc just having some di- i mean duck talk ya’know
bohyun yet again licking weird things
who needs parents to name you when you have soggy weetbix naming you
kicking chie outta soggy weetbix
re-kicking chie out
bohyun > bog tub
tors > toes
tiff > tits

everyone getting a new name in soggy weetbix
update on soggy weetbix nicknames

linny > lutenising hormone
clare > calcium
klimie > kidney

and tiff continues on with being nicknamed tits
soggy weetbix pt28483833 of nicknames

tiff > tits > tendons > tsukki
shin > shin 2.0
jen > jelly belly

tiff rejoices in the close call in being called testes
bohyun digging their own grave
lily’s rights have been cancelled
tiff has no rights
shin tryna keyboard smashing into the new year
tiff confirmed stalker of soggy weetbix
lily vibing with kidnappers
lily continues to lure us into the van
currently discussing superior ice cream flavours and tiff went-

we were discusing peanut butter ice cream
going to lily’s van to play musical chairs and shin-
tiff be the most concerning member of soggy weetbix
tiff might be pree cool- nah she just weird
clare confirmed starring in the next season of diabolik lovers
soggy weetbix boutta overthrow the government so we can add el back in the chat
another fine addition to the furry cult
tors voted yes for cannibalism
weird shit happens in the chat
tiff proving that once again cannibalism is welcomed in the chat
lily into licking doors exhibit A
soggy weetbix is code for ‘furry chat’
no comment
shin confirmee to have kidnapped soggy weetbix crew if i stop updating this thread
clare giving us life lessons during this time of crisis
chie confirmed thot ass
‘SHIN NO’ made an iconic comeback
jen said poly or die
cha cha confirmed no kink shaming in this house
cha cha said bread it card >>> credit card
lessons on how to remember north, east, south and west with soggy weetbix
cha cha suffering an identity crisis
breadrolls said rights or d word
breadrolls iconic comeback
chat is having the cereal and milk convo
soggy weetbix screams aussie chat
shin really though-
mildly concerned for cha cha
forgetting names be like
maths with soggy weetbix pt.1
mathematics pt.2
autocorrect said no thanks
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