As a Psychiatrist I am in the profession that focuses on people's happiness, daily functioning, the re-establishment of reality and the genuine re-connectedness of themselves their families and their place in the community. Helping people to change, to look at their lives and re-
-Centre. In reality I am teaching people to be Indigenous. Our old people displayed little/no animosity towards people from the North. Their ways so foreign and primitive to our own. The old people used to say 'they will eventually learn and when they are ready we will teach them
They focused on the connections. Our connections with the life sustaining earth (which we called our mother), our connections with the plants, the animals and most of all our connections with the unseen# the spiritual, the creator, our ancestors who lead and guide us and the fall
-en that roam the earth in misery-the moogeyes. We didn't need martial law, armies, policeman in our communities. We knew that if you broke the lore there was a spiritual and physical consequence.
We are the original originals the oldest living culture the closest relative to 'eve' found in the Congo 120000 yrs ago (mitochondrial DNA confirmed) to help all to recognise that we are all connected we all are Indigenous to a land.
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