Today is the final day of women's history month 2020 and I'll be damned if I let this day go to waste. I'll be sharing coronavirus (and other past epidemics) stories and the unique challenges women around the globe face as this virus rages on. #WomensHistoryMonth2020 #COVID19
The fates of Ms. Deng and Dr. Xia reflect the unpredictable nature of a virus that affects everyone differently, at times defying statistical averages and scientific research.
UNWomen are also concerned about the possible diversion of resources with increased efforts to contain outbreaks.
"Diverting resources from critical services that women rely on, such as routine health checks or GBV services, is concerning,"
"Grim as it is to imagine now, further epidemics are inevitable, and the temptation to argue that gender is a side issue, a distraction from the real crisis, must be resisted. What we do now will affect the lives of millions of women and girls in future."
In Hong Kong, where schools have been closed since Feb. 3, many parents—mostly moms—have become de facto homeschoolers, managing remote classes and emailed assignments along with their own professional responsibilities.
I'll leave this thread open for now because there's so much to unpack here. #coronavirus #WomensHistoryMonth
Couple's need breathing spaces, even if its an 8 hour work-shift away from each other. Post-COVID19 divorces aren't unique to China as couples all over the globe will be coming out of quarantine as extremely different people from how they got in.
The question is, what happens to societies that frown on divorce? Even worse, what happens to the couples who will be forced to stay together (by their governments, families etc) How do couples navigate their new found situations? The mental health?
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