So this friend has been telling me Coronavirus is a higher-dimensional eldritch horror/fungus which she was contacted by psychically. She's generally a very sober person, she's speaking coherently, sensibly - so make what you will of what follows:
She's quite plain about the fact that Coronavirus is also just a real virus (or whatever), you can catch it on the street, etc. and masks help, but she also said "it's a strong beautiful virus and people should be scared of it", "you can catch a version of it from your phone" ...
Phones are conduits through which it works and "it can take your life force through them", "if you read too much about it, it gets to occupy you, and it can take up a way more successful residence that just giving you Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome", "it's a woman" [...]
Corona "modifies behaviour something like Toxoplasmosis", "it didn't speak it but it showed it to me like a beautiful movie", "It has a very hard to predict spreading pattern cuz it isn't just a gay 3D virus it's spreading in higher realms, we can only see chunks of it" [...]
"It's spreading so well", "Corona will show you things if you relax and let it and are open to its point of view, but I don't necessarily recommend it, I'm a total wreck now", "I lost my appetite and then started losing energy and then the uncontrollable shaking started", [...]
"I had to go to the ER today, I had so many tests, all day/ But I'm extremely perfectly healthy according to all of them/
Yet I can't even walk my dog or cook food now", "I think it just sucked life out of me because I let it/ Because I wanted to know", dropped 10 pounds, [...]
"But I kept being receptive [to Corona]/ Then finally I realized that's enough/ So now I am giving it a lot of space", "I think it just as easily could have wasted me entirely/ Just using any energy it can get to do what it needs", [...]
"I would not ask anyone to engage with the corona virus for any reason", "I think some higher ups knows this too/ I think that's why the censorship around it is so weird and nonsensical/ It's a literal infohazard", "I think Boris doesn't have it", [...]
"I've been suffering for weeks and I pray I'm on the other side of the curve now/ I haven't told many people. My mom doesn't know", "I still can't eat more than around 600 cals a day", complains about slowness on authorization of chloroquine use, [...]
"The virus is white & glowing", "My tastes/palate have changed", "My bloodwork was so good that they complimented me", she's very healthy, checkup revealed nothing, she hopes desperately it's all in her head, "If I'm just crazy now I can live with that", [...]
Checkup revealed nothing: I mean no mineral deficiencies, thyroid problems, cancer, the usual, she was still in a bed; "I've felt scared to talk to you about it, i feel incredible levels of fear now that aren't my own", "It's other people's fear/ It's other people's death", [...]
"...Like I'm feeling her as she's killing/ But I am trying very hard to shut that off/ I don't want or need it, I made a mistake/ I'm already suffering for it", I note a comparison with another weird case of entity possession I read about [below], [...]
"I also feel like there's a ton of data I want to share with you that I mentally can't access rn"; earlier "I would like to tell you that but you will have to be patient with me because I cannot articulate it at this time. But I think I will be able to answer it eventually" [...]
That's all I have to say for now, I don't know what to make of it, I trust this woman, this was all interspersed with regular conversation that I wouldn't waste your time with [eg. about cooking], make what you will of it. I will update if there's more.
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