Let's talk about allo privilege and people's unwillingness to accept intersectionality and privilege. [Thread]
I have the personal opinion that allo privilege is in a thing that exists, if only for the inherent incongruence aspec people face with society that allo people simply don't have to worry about.
This does not mean that allo people have no issues. What it does mean is that none of their issues are derived from being allo. This is the exact same conversation people of color have been having with white people for years.
The queer community seems to have a hard time grasping that there are multiple avenues of oppression and privilege
Being a minority doesn't mean that you aren't privileged in other areas and being privileged in one aspect doesn't mean that you aren't oppressed in another
What makes the queer community special is our ability to understand and take advantage of intersectionality. We use our privileges to protect and fight for those who aren't.
Cis allies protect trans people, straight allies protect gay people, and allo allies should protect aspec people instead of insisting that privilege doesn't exist.
Note: Allo privilege probably isn't as significant as cis or white privilege, but it still exists and should be recognized.
(I've been sitting on this thread for nearly a month because I was really scared to share. It's the first time I've tweeted about something I haven't seen echoed previously by other aspec activists.
You can see how I couched the whole thread in my opinion at the beginning)
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