thread — my workout routine, non-diet diet, and a bit about wellness
disclaimer —

first and foremost, I am NOT a an expert in any field related to the following thread. At all. I’m 19. All opinions are my own and are what work for me and my body.
link to the tweet that sparked this:
workout —

let me begin this section by saying that I have quite a fast metabolism, so I don’t gain or lose weight very easily. that being said, I workout to feel good, to promote the overall health of my body, and for muscle definition.
workout —

I danced and did gymnastics for many years so I have come to understand the importance of stretching before any rigorous physical event. so, before working out, I stretch for quite some time...
workout —

my stretching routine contains the following:
- 50 jumping jacks
- run in place for 1 min
- 15 min stretching routine I learned in dance
workout —

here is the workout routine I follow (I do everything up to the swan crunch with 2 lb ankle weights on either foot):
workout —

since I model freelance, most of these are those that I have seen models do; they provide me results I like. quite a bit come from John Benton who now charges for his workouts.

some moves can be seen here:

others here:
workout —

after my workout, I stretch again using the same stretches as before but less intense and I like to go for a brisk walk for either 15 min on a treadmill or 1 mile.
non-diet diet —

ah the non-diet diet: mindful and intuitive eating. this method is all about listening to your body; I essentially let myself eat anything I want whenever I am hungry. however, I do like to stick to unprocessed, healthy, and organic foods.
non-diet diet —

here’s what a typical day of eating looks like for me:

breakfast: some form of eggs, protein (cured meats usually), and fruit

lunch: salad, leftovers, or pasta (this meal varies a lot)

dinner: a plate of: protein, grains, and veggies
non-diet diet —

I have quite a sweet tooth so I like to fill that with fruit smoothies and/or halo top ice cream! aside from the smoothies, pretty much only drink water, as well !
non-diet diet —

again, I really try to be mindful at meal times. breathing between bites of food to enjoy it and drinking water to help my body digest, as well as stopping when I’m full.
non-diet diet —

mindful eating is also about noticing what works for your body and what doesn’t. for ex, I have a gluten intolerance so I avoid gluten-based products.

I revert to my original statement: I try to treat my body like a temple: healthy/organic/unprocessed foods.
wellness —

ah here’s where my lack of expertise comes in. I do NOT have a degree in any of the following categories. I’m not prescribing anything to anyone.
wellness —

in my opinion, wellness is all about doing what’s right for your body and paying attention: getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating healthy/unprocessed foods, and working out
wellness —

for me, wellness manifests itself in my life as listening to my body and taking care of it accordingly, as well as doing what I can to make myself and my body feel as good as possible!
wellness —

again, wellness (to me) is all about listening to your body. for ex, I used to workout 7x/week with a full body workout everyday. I noticed my muscles becoming inflamed and swollen so I stopped working out so much. I switched to 3-5x/week and the inflammation stopped
wellness —

once more, really all about listening to your body! pay attention to signs and get familiar with your body’s ways of telling you what’s up
wellness —

remember, your body is NOT trying to hurt you! it’s trying to tell you what’s up! just stop for a moment and listen to what your body is telling you. learn about your body’s signals and how to respond to them for a healthier, happier you!
end of thread —

all photo credits to the queen of wellness, owner of Sporty and Rich AND Sporty and Rich Wellness Club, miss Emily Oberg!!!
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