My rewatch of Fruits Basket starts now. Mute #StrangeWaves if you don't want to see all of my tweets to come. 😈
I love the Yuki fan club. Just the thought of 4 people coming together to stan one boy in their school is funny to me. And they are deadass serious 😂 #StrangeWaves
I stanned Uotani since her introduction. You gotta love the good natured delinquents. And of course, this scene also established Hana's waves very early. #StrangeWaves
Shigure is an asshole 😂 He just found out that Tohru's mom died and she's living alone, in the woods, sleeping in a tent, and he chooses to point and laugh at her. #StrangeWaves
Have y'all ever seen a mystery in a series that seems too obvious to be true, so you question or denounce it? That's how I feel about this particular plot point. I definitely think the "hat guy" is Yuki, but it seems so obvious. #StrangeWaves
I still don't know how in the fuck Yuki is this strong, but he beats on Kyo like the red headed step child he is. I wonder if he'll ever beat Yuki by the end of the series. #StrangeWaves
Hana got the entire school shook, they already know what it is 😂 #StrangeWaves
I like these lines right here. Fruits Basket subtly dropped a hint to Kyoko being a former gang member as early as episode 2. #StrangeWaves
Tohru, the number one cause of diabetes. #StrangeWaves
Idk what the hell Akito (Or Shigure) is planning at all. However, it is interesting that he singled out himself, Yuki, and Kyo. I wonder if there's significance in that. I also wonder if Akito doesn't know Tohru's surname because that could be important. #StrangeWaves
"A little like Kyoko's" hmmm #StrangeWaves
I have to give the Yuki Fanclub girls a lot of credit. They antagonize Tohru, knowing damn well either Uotani or Hana is coming to check them, yet they still do it. They have that Team Rocket persistence. #StrangeWaves
I was so confused as to what Momiji's gender was at first (Akito as well) #StrangeWaves
I love the contrast in wisdom between Tohru and Kyoko. Tohru has taken in Kyoko's lessons, but she expresses her wisdom in her own way. And then, what is being said can apply to real life. Some people can't see their own blessings, but they can with others. #StrangeWaves
My dislike for Kagura intensifies. I've seen the gag of the girl hitting the guy a million times, and usually I don't pay it any mind, but I hate it with Kagura. Even worse, Kagura tries to justify her outburst with falty logic and Shigure and Yuki excuse it. (1/2) #StrangeWaves
I get that Kagura is overbearing, and represents the boar Zodiac, but I feel like the show tries to paint her as "endearing" when I just feel like she is just annoying. She beat up Kyo, wrecked the house, cleared out the fridge, and didn't even pay for it, nor apologize. (2/2)
The theme of home really hit here. Tohru was only gone for a brief while, but you could feel the impact of her absence in the soma household. Kyoko's advice was great as always, she is the best anime mom I've seen. Also she looks like a cat in the last pic 👁👁 #StrangeWaves
This was a good episode that I have a lot of thoughts on, so this may be a 3-4 parter. First, I like that the male fanservice had a real purpose, because with Yuki wearing a dress, we learned about his insecurities due to his feminine face, good development. #StrangeWaves
Through Hatori we also learn that Yuki had (probably still has) health problem. Also, Hatori is introduced as the Soma doctor, another Zodiac, and someone who can "suppress" memories. #StrangeWaves
Here, we saw how deep the friendship is between these 3. When Uotani found out that Tohru was staying with the Somas, she and Hana instantly wanted to check them out to see wassup. In the 2nd pic, it looks like they are Tohru's parents attending a school meeting 😂 #StrangeWaves
Here, Tohru talks about the "hat boy", and she mentions he was probably her 1st love. I assume the hat boy is either Yuki or Kyo, and that person will end up with Tohru. Hana's wave powers are hinted here again, and she and Uotani give their blessings to the Somas. #StrangeWaves
I've been told this show gets dark after s1, but in my opinion, it already was dark, and this episode highlights it. Akito pushes Hatori onto a mirror, almost blinding him, and then Kana's mind breaks, forcing Hatori to erase her memories. #StrangeWaves
It's hard, but imagine you've had all of these fond memories of someone you love, and they don't remember them. Hatori will likely never stop loving Kana, but all he can do now is watch her from afar, and pray for her happiness. #StrangeWaves
We also got a hint of Hatori's memory erasing having an impact on Momiji, based on the cut to Momiji when Hatori questions whether or not he's being punished. #StrangeWaves
Lastly, I think Akito is a "necessary evil", otherwise I don't think people would put up with his shit. Akito also cares about breaking the curse, so he may not be as bad as he seems. What this curse is? I don't know, but I think it relates to Kyoko's death. #StrangeWaves
More Akito lure this episode. It makes you wonder what's the relationship between him and Yuki, as well has him and Shigure. Yuki is terrified of Akito, but Shigure seems to be oddly close to him. #StrangeWaves
It was nice to see the boiz spend time with Tohru on New Year's, so she wouldn't be left alone. Also, it's cool to see Kyo consider Shigure's place "home." And we got a glimpse of Uotani's past, because she had to scold her dad for drinking. Uotani is the best. #StrangeWaves
Here, Hatsuharu got his true introduction, and he's kinda like Kagura with the "Dark Haru" thing. But, Unlike Kagura, Haru's schtick isn't overdone, and is funny to me. Adding on, Haru's normal personality is chill, and he has the rawest design among the Somas. #StrangeWaves
The way Yuki talked and dressed in Haru's flashback reminded me of Akito. I wonder if that was on purpose or just a me thing. We did get a small scene of someone (presumably Akito) covering Yuki's eyes as he was watching Kyo and Haru spar, so there's that. #StrangeWaves
Nothing left to add except for this screenshot of Shigure being very creepy, to say the least. 😳 #StrangeWaves
I forgot about this, but this scene could be a hint to Kyo being the "hat boy" since just like the "hat boy", Kyo helped someone (Haru) find their way home. I still believe it's Yuki though. #StrangeWaves
Hana and Shiraki are hilarious. I like how Hana straight up stole Yuki's chocolates in his face. Then you have Shiraki-sensei who has this delinquent vibe, and for some reason she happens to carry black hair dye with her, and threatens Kyo with it. 😂😂 #StrangeWaves
The double edged sword that is Shigure. He has a laissez-faire approach to most situations, but when he does get personally involved, shit gets done. Shigure just has a knack for pushing the right (or wrong) buttons. Usually he causes harm for the better though. #StrangeWaves
And with this, Shigure's fate was sealed. Shigure is using Tohru for his not yet known dream, and for that he will pay, courtesy of Yuki and/or Kyo. However, he does feel guilty since Tohru is the sweetest person in the world. #StrangeWaves
Miscellaneous stuff. This double date may be a preview of the end game ships. Shigure and Akito is a thing? And Mitchan deserves better. The way Shigure treats her, proves how much of an asshole he can be. I still like him though. #StrangeWaves
Hana is surprisingly dumb and Kyo is surprisingly studious, pretty funny subversion. Also, it kind of weird to see Hana's classmates talk about her wave powers in a positive manner, seeing how we learn later she got bullied partly because of those powers. #StrangeWaves
Nothing profound to say here, I just think the duo of Tohru and Momiji is unrivaled in cuteness. They might be my favorite pair. (Not in a shipping way) #StrangeWaves
Another example of this series going dark in S1, the story of "The Most Idiotic Traveler. It's a tragic tale of a girl being deceived, and literally torn apart by every around her. The fact that people laugh and condemn the girl in the story makes it even more sad. #StrangeWaves
The girl in "The Most Idiotic Traveler in the World" obviously parallels to Tohru. I like that here, Tohru's kindness wasn't painted as a good quality here. To others, who aren't as idealistic as Tohru, she come off as stupid. This kinda nullifies Tohru = Mary Sue #StrangeWaves
This was the moment that made Momiji one of my favorite characters. He is sneakily insightful, and just like Tohru, he sees the good in people, despite what others may say or think. Momiji isn't just the token "cute kid" in Fruits Basket, he has a lot of depth. #StrangeWaves
Kyo and Yuki are sorta similar in that they don't like to, or know how to properly convey their emotions, but Tohru is the aid in that. I like how Yuki calls Tohru a princess, especially since he's nicknamed "Prince Yuki." I am an apologetic Yuki × Tohru shipper. #StrangeWaves
First, the lighthearted moments in this episode. There was some Kyo × Tohru shipping fuel when Kyo scared off two guys about to prey on Tohru. Kyo has fully embraced the #ProtectTohru movement, and as Hana said, he is getting worse at telling Tohru, "no." #StrangeWaves
With this small line from Kyo, you get a feel for his character. Despite being a hothead at times, and loving to fight, he wouldn't try to harm people he thought couldn't handle it. #StrangeWaves
And then we have the introduction of the student council. They were kinda entertaining just because of how serious they were about everything. They remind me of the Yuki Fan Club in that regard. So maybe I can ship Makoto and Motoko. #StrangeWaves
Now for the star of this episode...Akito. Up until now, we haven't seen Akito do much in present time. We've heard a bit about his past, and he's had some dialogue with Shigure, but he finally showed himself in full. Akito's appearance was set up beautifully. #StrangeWaves
On the surface, Tohru and Akito have a normal conversation. There doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary, but the vibe you get from Akito says different. The atmosphere in the air is stifling, you can feel Akito's malice without him doing anything. #StrangeWaves
The terror on Yuki's face speaks volumes. Yuki doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve, but when Akito pulled up, he couldn't hide his fear. Even Tohru read the mood and tried to save Yuki. Great setup for Yuki's past, and good build up for Akito as the "villain." #StrangeWaves
The death by Kyo was everything I wanted man. Without dialogue, the animosity between these two is clear as day. Fruits Basket did a marvelous job of captivating the viewers with the Akito dynamics. We're all wondering, "what did Akito do???" #StrangeWaves
And here, we see how two faced Akito can be, because before he called Tohru "cute" but now she's "ugly." We also see that Akito may be obsessed with Yuki, so there is more lure to his character. #StrangeWaves
Last one this episode. We get confirmation that Akito tortured Yuki in his past, which led him to seek shelter with Shigure. Makes me think, "how much control does Akito has over the Somas" cuz I can't imagine that Hatori or Shigure would willingly allow this. #StrangeWaves
Ayame is one of the most entertaining characters in Fruits Basket. He has unlimited charisma, and his relationship with Shigure is hilarious. #StrangeWaves
This would make Shigure, Hatori, and Ayame 26/27...I think. #StrangeWaves
In each episode, you'll find nuggets of truth and wisdom. I like how Tohru has been molded by Kyoko's influence. You can tell Tohru hangs on to every one of Kyoko's lessons and embraces them. #StrangeWaves
This could be a reach, but I think Ayame being a snake is perfect, because when he's in snake form he seeks warmth which is sorta symbolic of Ayame confiding in Hatori and Tohru, who try their best for others, which would be the "warmth" he is searching for. #StrangeWaves
Overall, I like Ayame's eccentric personality and I'm fond of the love he has for Yuki. Ayame realizes that he could have done better to prevent the rift between them, so he tries his best to mend their relationship which I respect...also he's a bottom. #StrangeWaves
MO-MI-JI!!! This episode solidifies Momiji being one of my top 5 favorite characters in the show. Momiji can act childish at times, but he is mature well beyond his age. I salute his mental fortitude, and perspective when it comes to the tragedy with his mother. #StrangeWaves
Understand how strong Momiji is. He had to watch his mother deteriorate to the point that she regretted his birth. And then he was asked to endure having his mother forget about him. Momiji beared all that, and still watches over his mom and little sister. 😥😥😥 #StrangeWaves
Fruits Basket masterfully tied Momiji's philosophy of not wanting to forget his memories to Tohru's situation. The death of Kyoko is still fresh in Tohru's mind, but she would never want to forget about her, no matter how much pain those memories dredge up. #StrangeWaves
I love how Kyoko passed down her old gang jacket to Uotani. Uotani's backstory wasn't known to us yet, but Fruits Basket, with this small scene, showed us how much Uotani respected and related to Kyoko, without giving us the full story yet. #StrangeWaves
There is an obvious show of guilt coming from Kyo in the presence of Kyoko's grave. I believe Kyo was involved (in a passive way) and/or knows the details surrounding Kyoko's death. Yet again, we have another intriguing mystery that I'm excited to see unfold later. #StrangeWaves
Lastly, this imaginary scene with Kyo and Kyoko looks too natural...that's all I'll say. And with Yuki, we get a strong indication that he is "hat boy." However, this could be a red herring, since he may just recognize the hat as Kyo's, but I'll go with the former. #StrangeWaves
Pretty tame episode. I think this episode was mellow since Kyo and Yuki were on edge from the hat and Kyoko situation, respectively. Good to see the 3 BFFs together, Hatori wishing the best for Kana, and him watching over Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki. #StrangeWaves
And here's a good screenshot of Tohru standing next to her future brother-in-law. 😈 #StrangeWaves #TohruXYuki
There's not much of any "fanservice" in Fruits Basket, but like it here just because seeing Uotani and Hana in a more feminine light was a welcomed change. Also, boobs. #StrangeWaves
I'm not crazy, Kyo and Uotani is a good ship, I would be on board with it. They compliment each other well with Uotani being a delinquent, and Kyo being perceived as a delinquent by others. #StrangeWaves
Part 1 of Uotani's backstory. She joined a gang while she was in elementary. With her mother leaving, and her dad becoming a negligent alcoholic, Uotani had no real guidance, that is until Tohru and Kyoko came into her life, which I'll talk more about. #StrangeWaves
This look right here is the kryptonite to all "hardened" individuals. Everyone is tough until Tohru gets a chance to break through their shield. #StrangeWaves
Kyoko was Uotani's idol. She had heard about the legendary of the Crimson Butterfly and expected her to still live that lifestyle. What Uotani got instead was a loving mother, free from the shackles of a gang, which shocked her, and made her feel strange. #StrangeWaves
I think the real Kyoko threw Uotani off was because she was proof that there was life out of a gang. This scared Uotani because she only knew one way to live. Seeing a loving family like the Hondas was foreign to her, since she never had that. So she rejected them. #StrangeWaves
The three delinquents in this episode were great. Fruits Basket just has a way of making everyone endearing no matter who they are. You can tell these girls aren't really on that gang shit, but seeing them try to be intimidating is funny. And MOMIJI MADE A CAMEO!!! #StrangeWaves
I have watched episode 17 three times, and I cannot get through it without tearing up. There's a lot to cover, but before I go in, I want to say, THIS is how you make a backstory. It doesn't have to be the most tragic story ever, just make me emotionally invested. #StrangeWaves
Uotani started to realize why she felt strange in the Honda household. Seeing Kyoko and Tohru have the relationship they had, Uotani was in unknown territory. She didn't get to experience a loving family, or simple things like home cooked meals, so she was envious. #StrangeWaves
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