Wow. My best friend's mom who's over 60 works at a Miami @BurgerKing and she's now presenting symptoms. And you know what her BK manager is forcing her to do? Go back into work tomorrow or she loses her job. EXPLAIN YOURSELVES, @BurgerKing. The hell is this utter crap??
Not only is this dangerous for my friend's mom but it's also putting employees and customers at risk if she does, in fact, have COVID-19. What can we do to ensure she doesn't lose her job by doing the right thing and staying home, @BurgerKing?
Remember my rant about @BurgerKing & how my friend’s mom who works there was showing flu symptoms & the manager was forcing her to go in? Well- it got worse. Her manager told her yesterday that, “she will not defy her and come into work bc COVID-19 doesn’t exist in her store”.
She threatened to fire her once again if she doesn’t come in no matter the symptoms. Yet @BurgerKing will not respond to my tweets whatsoever which says a lot.
They have tried calling corporate, HR, OSHA. And it goes nowhere.
Oh and this @BurgerKing is located in Miami on 137th and Bird road.
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