I see lots of tweets on astrology but not much on MBTI. I've noticed some interest these days as carats have been reposting @pledis_17 results during the MBTI #GoSe
So I wanted to make this lil (very long sorry) thread for anyone who cares to know more 👉👈đŸ„ș

An Intro to MBTI
MBTI is based on the Jungian psychology and stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Named after the mother and daughter duo (Isabel Myers-Briggs and Katharine Briggs) who developed it to make Carl Jung theory more accessible! It's important to remember for later on.
MBTI presents the types with four dichotomies.
Introversion - Extroversion
Sensing - iNtuition
Thinking - Feeling
Judging - Perceiving


I (focus on inner world) - E (focus on outer world)
S (focus on basic information) - N (add meaning to basic information)
T(make decisions based on logic and patterns) F (make decisions based on people and circumstances)
J (get things decided) - P (stay open to other options)

I find this approach quite funny and well it works for me haha.
Anyway the different combinations gives you 16 types in total. You can take the tests on many websites for free while the "official" is a bit costly. Not all online tests are that good which is why some people get inaccurate results or get different results depending on the test
Some tests I find somehow okay are http://www.keys2cognition.com/explore.htm 

This one is pretty good but from what some people told me some questions are a bit too abstract so take your time reading and really understanding.

This is one is super short and fun but surprisingly accurate. I recommend doing this after the first one.
But the thing is even if the test is good or it's the official one there is still room for error.
1. The questions are overly theoretical and can be unclear.
2.the self-bias factor (that is seeing yourself as you'd like to be rather than as you are) skews results a lot.
3. It depends where you're taking the tests. If you're doing it alone just for you or with people and you're mindful of their impression. Like taking the test at work can probably be stressing because you don't want to answer the "wrong things" and look like a bad employee...
...I'm thinking it could be a similar issue for idols. They do want to give a good impression to the fans and maybe it plays a part when they take the tests.
Which makes me sad to think about!
Beyond the combination of letters what is really interesting is the description! You can read so much about one type and it's really fun to get to know more about yourself and find explanation for things about yourself that you always wondered about! It can be liberating too!
I'm not convinced by the test on 16 personalities but the descriptions are pretty good I feel especially for beginners.
There are many more just search for it. When you know your type you will find many specialized blogs with loads of good info. Reading about a good description can help you determine which type is a good fit and if your tests results are accurate. Well if you know yourself...
... And if you're not in it for well mmm bragging rights? I mean it's okay to want to be special and unique but rare or not each type is quite fascinating. And everyone can't be the rarest types. Statistically that's not how it works. We can't all be INFJs 😭😭😭
What Each Type is meant to do
What we forget to Thank each type for
Take these above with a grain of salt but they are sweet! MOVING ON!
Reading about types help but sometimes you don't know where to start so it's helpful to narrow things down with tests. If you get two results and you're hesitating you can find good articles comparing the types!
Beyond figuring out your type what also interest people is figuring out what people around them are, their family, their friends, their crushes, their favorite characters in a book or show or anime! For fictional characters it' tricky because well they're not real people.
People will often come up with different results for the same characters
A good example is Harry Potter
One Piece and Fairy Tail
of course we have celebrities and in this case idols! When I first became a Carat I really wanted to type @pledis_17 but I felt like I needed to know more about them to try it. I searched to see if anyone ever tried it and there were a lot of attempts out there. I compiled them
How people typed 95 line
@pledis_17 #Seventeen
*I love how this confirm how confusing JH is for people
How people typed 96 line
@pledis_17 #Seventeen
The consistency for Woozi though lmao
How people typed 97 line
@pledis_17 #Seventeen
Mingyu and The8 with the same type overall mmmm
How people typed Maknae line
Would SK and Dino be the same type đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”
Anyway this was just to show what people thought of the boys. I don't know how much the people typing know about MBTI or even @pledis_17 in general but it's quite interesting to see how they come across or maybe what is their on camera persona?
Anyway if you're still reading I hope it means that you are interested in MBTI or maybe you are an expert yourself and silently judging this whole thread and waiting to jump in lol.
So now I would like to dive a little deeper. If you just think in terms of letter it's a bit limiting since people feel in between and for instance you may be an extrovert who enjoys your time alone or an introvert that has great people skills. So let's talk cognitive functions!
Cognitive functions = modes of processing information and making decisions.
Each type has four (out of possible 8)cognitive functions. Identifying which functions you use —and in what order— is the most accurate way to type yourself or others.
The letters are a sort of code for your main cognitive functions. It's a bit complicated to explain how it works so I suggest just looking up the cognitive functions for your type
As you can see people some types have the same functions in slightly different orders (for example INTP and ENTP) but some types have no functions in common (INTP and INTJ)
Even if they can appear similar some type are very different.
Perceiving functions
Se= Extraverted Sensing
Si= Introverted Sensing
Ne = Extraverted iNtuition
Ni = Introverted iNtuition

Judging functions
Fe = Extroverted Feeling
Fi= Introverted Feeling
Te = Extroverted Thinking
Ti = Introverted Thinking
I like using names for the cognitive functions. The names/phrases below summarize what each functions does
So just remember
Perceiving functions functions, how you take in or retrieve information (Se, Si, Ne, Ni)
And Judging functions how you make decisions and draw conclusions (Fe, Fi, Te, Ti)
Extraverted Functions
Directed outwardly (observable by others)
Broad in scope; extensive
(Se, Ne, Te, Fe)

Introverted Functions
Directed inwardly (concealed from others)
Narrow in scope; deep and intensive
(Si, Ni, Ti, Fi)
"Regardless of whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, we each have two extroverted functions and two introverted functions. Extroverts just prefer using their main extroverted function over their main introverted function and vice versa.". - Heidi Priebe
Now the order. A good analogy is a car
Dominant function - Driver (Parent)
Auxiliary function - co-pilot
Tertiary function - 10 year old
Inferior function - 3 yr old

So we naturally rely more on our dominant function and less on the inferior.
The dominant function is well developed early on and the inferior function is fully developed by the time we are in middle age. So think of your two first function as what you are really good at and the third what you're not so good at and the fourth what you're realllyyy bad at.
So to think yourself especially if you are under thirty it's better to pay attention to the first two functions!
If you're still here that's great! Let's agree to go beyond the obvious stereotypes and assumptions.
Mistyping happen often. The younger you are the harder it is to figure it out. Also sometimes we mistype for a type that's close enough to our own that it somehow fits. Also if we like the idea of it we're less likely to want to be wrong.
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