CW: eating disorder talk

I don’t think many people who haven’t struggled with an eating disorder realize that EDs aren’t just starving, purging and bingeing. They also can manifest in smaller ways that are less noticeable. I’m going to make a short thread to raise awareness!
A major way that EDs manifest are counting calories and “safe foods”. Many people think that with restrictive EDs, its about how much you eat, but that’s not always the case. A lot of the time it is controlling what you eat and obsessing over that to the point of-
-mental anguish. Just because someone is eating 2/3 times a day, doesn’t mean they aren’t engaging in restrictive behavior. For me personally, this is the big one. At my worst I was intaking only 600 calories a day (a healthy young adult should be intaking 2000).
related to calorie counting, safe foods are a few foods that a person chooses that usually have a specific calorie count that makes them feel “safe” so they only consume those foods. You may think “well at least they are eating” but this behavior can be very harmful.
Obsessive exercise/exercise to compensate for calories is another one that people also normalize or don’t view as an ED behavior without being educated on it. Many times, people will use exercise as a way to burn off all calorie intake. Exercise is normally a very healthy-
-habit to get into but for people with EDs it can become obsessive and also extremely dangerous especially for those who restricting food/calories because it can be very damaging to overwork a body that isn’t getting the proper nutrients.
Non-restrictive eating disorders are a thing that get very much ignored. I touched on over-exercising (prominent in orthorexia) but binge eating disorders also exist without the element of purging involved and those are equally challenging and important to understand.
Now that you are aware of some other types of EDs, a VERY important point that needs to be make is to not judge the severity of someone’s ED by their weight. You do not have to be severely over or under weight to be struggling immensely and be in a dangerous mental place.
Another important fact is that for many people, eating disorders aren’t about weight or body image at all! They are about control. Therefore, telling someone that they are “already so skinny” or that their body is beautiful is not helpful to the person struggling!
With all of this said, please keep an eye on your loved ones during this time, isolation can make it hard. If you notice these behaviors, please do not jump on them to eat more, eat less or eat differently. Rather, encourage them to feel like they can talk to you.
Lastly, if you are struggling. Please reach out. I know it’s easier said than done but please talk to someone if you feel as if you’re struggling. I am definitely personally dealing with a relapse, so I am here for anyone who feels like they are as well. You’re not alone.
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