Let's take a minute and actually break down the aphobic Animal Crossing tweet because I've seen some people confused as to why it's genuinely hurtful (tweet of discussion is pictured below)
Upon first glance it does look a little silly, a cute Animal Crossing bear wearing an ace colored shirt with the text "STOP KILLING US" written on the front. The reason this joke is more hurtful than hilarious is due to the history of ace discourse it references.
"STOP KILLING US" is certainly overblown (though people have been killed due to their Asexuality despite fierce attempts to erase it, but that's a topic for another time), but it specifically references a flavor of ace mockery that goes back to Tumblr
A common form of aphobia is invalidating or mocking Aces who try to shed light on ace oppression, back when ace discourse was at it's peak on Tumblr we saw aphobes exaggerate and maliciously misrepresent ace requests.
It went from "Aces are vulnerable to rape" (legit) to "Ace are more oppressed than trans people!" (hyperbole).
This evolved to accounts claiming to be ace spreading these hyperbolic claims as if they were sincere, a good number of these accounts later admitted or were proven to be allo trolls trying to make us look worse.
So, years later, when we see something hyperbolic about ace oppression it not only plays into the "aces wanna be oppressed" stereotype, but bring us right back to where online aphobia was at it's arguable worst.
P.S.: If you still aren't entirely sure that this post reeked of aphobia, know that out of the 4.6k people that retweeted it, around 4.2k were already on the blocklist. -🆔
You can follow @aphobelist.
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