universities should wait the COVID19 out and resume semester one once the measures are lifted. semester two would then immediately start after that (without recess) until somewhere mid December.
we live in an unequal society. online classes will never work.
not only do online classes ignore the inequalities in our society, they also ignore the fact that some people don’t live in homes that are conducive for learning. some live in abusive homes. others are worried sick about not making incomes.
even if you have everyone a modem, you’d be relying on an assumption that every student has access to a laptop. that’s just not true.
even if the lockdown was to be extended until end July, there is still enough time from August 1 to 15 December to complete the remainder of semester 1 and 2.
online classes are a cheap and exclusionary way out. we must relax our privilege and wait COVID19 out.
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