Something I’m always learning through Work Notes is the breadth of the freelance workforce.

There are lots of things that apply in some areas and wouldn’t work in others, but now is a time for all self-employed people to pull together – whatever sector, industry and set-up. 🙌
The Government’s Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) omits a huge number of self-employed people, not just the 5% of sole traders the Chanceller mentioned in the announcement.

There are lots of freelancers that won’t be helped. 😕
Anyone who falls into one of the categories below won’t be helped:

* Receives income mainly through dividends
* Has average earnings slightly over £50,000
* Works mostly short-term PAYE gigs
* Is recently self-employed
Current advice for sole proprietors is to furlough themselves to receive 80% of their PAYE.

This isn’t sufficient or fair for all of the reasons I’ve outlined in the article below.

It’s also unclear if furloughing a director breaches the Companies Act.
The ‘safety net’ of Universal Credit isn’t sufficient, either.

Freelancers can easily be disqualified from support if they – or their partner – has savings. That could be anything from a house deposit to *necessary savings for their tax bill*. 🤷‍♂️
The good news is that some organisations are *still fighting* to help freelancers who are currently excluded. 💪

These organisations/groups/campaigns largely focus on their own industries/sectors. By pulling together we can create some noise and, hopefully, change. 🤞
I’m going to add whatever I find to this thread and keep it updated.

Please check back and get involved if you can.

Suggestions welcome (either reply or DM). 🙏
The folks at @bectu are continuing to fight for freelancers.

They have a great – and easy – tool for writing to your MP. The letter is focused on their members, but easily tailored 👇
@Conservators_uk Have written to the Chanceller, asking for the measures to be rolled out further, including limited companies currently excluded and interim emergency aid 👇
@Cornwall_365 are asking freelancers and other working in the creative/cultural sectors for feedback on the impact of coronavirus 👇
The Enterprise Relief Fund from @PrincesTrust and @NatWestBusiness offers grants to 18–30 year olds who are self-employed or running their own business 👇
@forgotten_2020 is a new campaign to raise awareness of the freelancers who won’t receive any government help 👇
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