I dunno who needs to hear this, possibly no one.

But even if it helps just one or two people on here:

Just as there are likely many #COVID19 cases that go unreported, this is likely triggering many people struggling with mental health, even if they've never been diagnosed
That tight feeling in your chest, shortness of breath, the feeling like you're slowing flying throught the windshield, in a moment but totally detached from reality?

That's anxiety. It's your limbic system fighting a threat. It's natural and it's ancient #COVID19
The reptilian brain cannot be reasoned with. It cannot be assuaged by graphs or statistics, boomer relativism or substance abuse

It cares only about basic life functions, physical functions. This is why telling someone with PTSD or anxiety to calm down never works #COVID19
When a threat is imminent, adrenaline spikes, heart rate increases, we enter a state of hypervigilence

In the wild this was good for us. A good way of staying alive. But if we allow the limbic system to operate in constant hyper-arousal, our bodies start to break down #COVID19
The limbic system responds to physical stimulae

Breathing, touch, reciprocation, gravity

All of these can help calm it down when nothing verbal/visual works #COVID19
And each of them have a physiological explanation as to why they work (i.e. they're not just hippie navel gazing)

Square breathing regulates the vagus nerve, the longest in the human body, that influences major organ response #COVID19
This simple exercise stimulates the body's parasympathetic nervous system, and is proven to reduce stress quicker, and boosts both mental and physical health #COVID19 #anxiety
Somatic experiencing. I know, I know. When my therapist told me about it I thought "here we go"

But it works. Please try it. There are relatively simple techniques that really help dilute that background #anxiety #COVID19
The approach involves touch. It works best with another human but there are techniques you can do alone (stop sniggering at the back)

Here are just two (it's literally like giving yourself a big hug, and the limbic system likes that) #COVID19 #anxiety
There are a number of clinical studies into somatic experiencing and its positive effects for mental and physical health (it's particularly effective for those of us who've undergone physical trauma) #COVID19
Bessel van Der Kolk, writing in “The Body Keeps the Score”, he’s worked on trauma for 40 years #COVID19 #anxiety
Trauma victims' have a compromised threat response that makes it harder for touch-based therapies to help

But for everyday life, I say what do you have to lose?

Go on, give yourself a hug 🤗 #anxiety #COVID19
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