Thread: Why you should not meme about gods.

Context: Just yesterday there were these memes doing rounds in my TL.

Note: This is not about singling out these posts in particular but to call attention to a rather distressing trend. (1/n)
First you need to understand memes. On the surface meme is basically text on image that is humorous. The intricacy lies in how the humor is derived. In most of the cases (like in above) it is derived by oversimplification, reductionism, exaggeration and caricature. (2/n)
That is exactly where the problem lies. (3/n)
Ever wonder why atheists spend their time making memes about religion/gods instead of minding their business?

Atheists reduce religion/gods to their bare minimum, throwing away all the nuance and subtlety.

Fuck symbolism, fuck layered meaning, fuck meta-physics. (4/n)
An atheist is a reductionist. (5/n)
Also, that is exactly what memes do. They peel away all the fur, skin and meat until only the bones remain standing. Just the bare skeleton. (6/n)
Also, it is for this reason memes are excellent tools for countering narratives. When you strip away all the sophistication behind the 1000 word article published by the journos you can see what their real intentions are. (7/n)
A meme is basically an oversimplified, bite sized information.

For this exact reason, memes are double-edged swords. (8/n)
The very memes which help to chisel away the edifice of the LW journo narratives and lay bare their Hindu hatred are also disrobing Hinduism of her nuance and subtlety, which are required to uphold her honor. (9/n)
Because such is the nature of memes. To over-simplify. To reduce. To exaggerate.

To meme = to simplify. (10/n)
All memers are, by nature, reductionists.

A reductionist theist is basically an atheist. (11/n)
I hope, by now, you can see why memeing about mahapurushas, devas is bothersome. To properly understand the leela of devas you need to carefully study under Aacharyas with proper Adhikara for years if not decades. (12/n)
When you try to meme about their leela you are
essentially reducing something beautifully clad in multiple layers of meaning to something that is nihilistic, meaningless and at it's core is atheistic. (13/n)
So, unless you know what you are doing, stop memeing about devi/devatas. I say this as a Memer.

You are a Hindu.

Act. Like. One. (14/n)
End of Rant. (15/15)
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