Day 1 #100DaysOfCode

Im taking FreeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design Course

Learning about HTML and CSS

I hope I can finish it this time.
Day 2 #100DaysOfCode

Trying to apply the things I learned from the first half of fcc course .. it is not responsive yet but i hope it is great gonna create another website after this one.

i dont know anything about media queries yet so ill try to familiarize myself with the ++
fundamentals of css and html first. Wish me luck.
I finished a tutorial from @traversymedia .

It is responsive so i will try to make the other website responsive tomorrow.

thanks for the tutorial

Should review some css properties and html tags before i go to sleep. I hope Day 3 will be productive. Might continue the FCC course and create a landing page for some game i think.
Day 3 Continuing the FCC Course and did a two page landing page. The first page was inspired from UI Design Daily and the other one was from me. Trying to learn XD to for designing
Might try css grid for Day 4. And read documentations from MDN. Need many clarifications with css.
Day 4 of #100DaysOfCode

Gonna read and try to understand the fundamental things of css before creating another website.
Day 4 of #100DaysOfCode

Created another one page landing page ,read and watched css fundamentals about selectors, positioning and box model as a refresher. Will create another website using a tutorial.

it is responsive and i added some animation hahaha
I will wrap this day by starting
CSS Grid Course.

I learned the basics of grids and will try to finish the course within 2 days or so.

-Learn about the powers of CSS Grids. They are so amazing.

#100DaysOfCode #GRIDDYUP
Day 5 of #100DaysOfCode

- Almost finished with the CSS Grid Course by @wesbos but still need more practice to digest things.
- I tried to recreate the tlou2 landing page using css grids but it made me realize that I need to learn more about the subject.
-Done with the accessibility and responsive part of the fcc course.
Day 6 of #100DaysOfCode

- Finished CSS Grid Course of @wesbos .
- It is a great course. It is easy to understand and the projects are amazing.

Thanks Wes!
Wrapping this day by starting a challenge from @frontendmentor
-been practicing css grids using their four card challengen and it is giving me a hard time. But it's good. Ill do it tomorrow
-Done with fcc's css grid part.

Day 6 of #100DaysOfCode
Day 7 of #100DaysOfCode
- Started the day by creating @frontendmentor 4 card challenge
- Pretty satisfying

- … 
Day 7 of #100DaysOfCode
- i realized many things that i do not understand in using css grids for websites
- finished the flexbox course in fcc(gonna wathc flexbox course of @wesbos after i become comfortable with grids)
- did three @frontendmentor 's challenges
Day 8 of #100DaysOfCode
- Played with the linear gradient property based on @KevinJPowell 's video ( )

-started wesbos's flexbox course.
Day 9 of #100DaysOfCode
- Finished Fylo Landing Page from @frontendmentor using CSS Grid
- Finished the tribute page for the FCC Course (1/5)
- watched wesbos's flexbox course
- … 
Day 10 of #100DaysOfCode
- Did another challenge from @frontendmentor
- Learned Git and github basic commands (fun)
- finished flexbox course by wesbos
- created a website inspired from The last of us 2
- learned about the blendmode property
Day 11 of #100DaysOfCode
- finished 2 fcc projects
- started a course about advanced css
- watched a couple yt vids about css properties

-will do a front end mentor challenge for day 12
Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode
-did a challenge from @frontendmentor
-learned about the behind the scenes of css(process before displaying it to the page)
-BEM namingconvention
-closer to understanding flexbox (created card with flexbox inspired from a tutorial)
-css animation is fun
Day 13 of #100DaysOfCode
- Did another website using flexbox ( )
-Learned about fluid typography but not sure if i will implement it already in my projects , what do u guys think
-followed a tutorial from Traversy Media
Day 14 of #100DaysOfCode
- Did a challenge from @frontendmentor ( )
-worked on a small project that mirrors a music streaming website( ) , quite fun making using flexbox
-watched tutorials of kevin powell
Day 15 of #100DaysOfCode
- Did 2 challenges from @frontendmentor
- Quite tough and tricky but it is kinda satisfying to fix bugs
- Realized that im done with the 8 HTML & CSS only challenges so might start learning javascript soon.
-Started @KevinJPowell 's course
Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode
- Played around with Sass and got overwhelmed by the command line xD
- copied a web design from instagram (thinking if gonna make it a full project)
-did a project showcase of @frontendmentor's challenges (with a little twist xD)( )
Day 17 of #100DaysOfCode
- did 2 challenges from @frontendmentor with sass and pure css (even tho i dunno javascript)
- … 
-learned quite a bit.
- finished the flexbox part of a course
Day 18 of #100DaysOfCode
-did two sections from a course
- learned how to flip a card with css
- created a practice website with grid and flexbox. using a color scheme from the net.
- should slowly take my time
Day 19 of #100DaysOfCode
-Did another frontendMentors Challenge but with no JS
- studied other people's html and css code
- followed along the course to build a project(almost done)
- updated my project showcase website
-learned a lot new css properties
Day 20 of #100DaysOfCode
- finished the first section project of the course
- tried to recreate it(https://nihon-by-///
-started new frontendmentors challenge
-used wow js
-pure css popup
Day 21 of #100DaysOfCode
- finished the nihon site (desktop side)
- did another frontendmentors challenge
- finished the technical documentation page(quite a simple one)
-learned the modal effect pure css
- started a mini project hihi
Day 22 of #100DaysOfCode
-finished my rendition of @freeCodeCamp 's catphotoapp
( )
-2nd try of the 4 feature card from frontend mentors
-did another challenge from frontend mentors
-and started the book Eloquent Javascript
Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode
-finished making the Natours Project responsive
- made my Nihon site responsive
- followed along a tutorial by @traversymedia 's CSS Grid
- Learned about responsive images with html
- played around with playcode for js nights
Day 24 of #100DaysOfCode
-finished the flexbox section of the course
-used svg's as icons
-started a frontendmentors challenge
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