It is with great shame that I disclose to the Twitterverse my Marvel Universe virginity

This night begins my Marvel Marathon to set right this egregious wrong to the Pop Culture Intelligentsia

1 Film Per Night, 1 Review Per Film

This journey shall follow the narrative path of the stories vs release date of the films... As has been foretold

22 straight nights of Superhero goodness

The first step on our path is:

Captain America: The First Avenger

#MarvelMarathon #1of22
Captain America 1

- flimsy CGI Chris Evans is hysterical
- diving on the grenade 💪❤️🔥
- Agent Smith but a Nazi
- I’d touch his chest too
- Hydra had cooler toys
- Peggy Carter 👀
- Cheesy... but in a good campy way
- Really solid start 🇺🇸

#MarvelMarathon #1of22
Tonight, we advance to step 2 in our chronological journey

*yell at CNET for their compelling argument, not me

through the MCU (which I totally knew was “Marvel Cinematic Universe” and definitely didn’t have to google) step 2 is Captain Marvel

#MarvelMarathon #2of22
Captain Marvel

- Jude Law: Sexy Obi-Wan
- Green-Face-Changers = Nosferatu
- THAT is Samuel L. Jackson’s hairline? 😳
- Dial-up AltaVista 😂🤣
- Flerken OCTO-CAT! 👀
- Soundtrack is 🔥
- The Avenger Initiative!
- Really fun one tonight 👍

#MarvelMarathon #2of22
Tonight gets into the 3rd step and real meat of my journey

I’m a big fan of Robert Downey Jr, so I’m raising my bar for expectations for tonight 💪❤️🔥

Is he MCU’s Batman? Self-Made Superhero Billionaire but no “powers” per se... 🤷🏼‍♂️

#MarvelMarathon #3of22
Iron Man

- RDJ Swag Opens w AC/DC & 🥃
- Yinsen - Respect ✊
- Cave escape was bad ass
- Didn’t love the sand crash landing
- Pepper pre-Goop 🔥
- Big Lebowski... but evil
- I want an Arc Reactor
- That was FUN as heck
- Truth is... I am Iron Man

#MarvelMarathon #3of22
Step 4 on the MCU path continues with Iron Man 2

Cast really steps up here with Don Cheadle, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson and a crazy comeback for Mickey Rourke

Really looking forward to this after how fun Iron Man 1 was

#MarveMarathon #4of22
Iron Man 2

- Senate Scene was fantastic🤣
- WTF Mickey Rourke has lightning whips!
- WHOA! Iron Man vs Iron Man 👀
- Superhero Daddy issues
- 2 vs 50 VankoDrones!
- Hey! They Kissed!
- Not as good as the 1st one but some good ol’ fashioned fun

#MarvelMarathon #4of22
Today’s adventure will bring us to the 5th step in our MCU journey with Thor

I have no clue which Hemsworth it is... but I know it’s a Hemsworth. I respect great hair

Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins & Idris Elba? Yes please

#MarvelMarathon #5of22
You can follow @GregTompsett.
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