In June 2008, I was driving from CA to Seattle, to my folks' place, to celebrate finishing my PhD... it was early morning & I was an hour out when I called my mom to tell her my ETA & ask her if she needed me to get them anything at the store (she didn't)...
After hanging up the phone, from talking with me, my mom made my Dad a cup of coffee to bring to wake him up & let him know where I was.
He didn't wake up.
My Dad was 56 when he died in his sleep from a heart attack.
Decades of night terrors & PTSD from "serving in the conflict overseas" caught up with him.
You can live with a figuratively broken heart for only so long, you know, before it's not figurative anymore.
He was a folk musician & songwriter.
I share his music on here a lot.
Our family is really blessed that so much of what he created in this world we have to hold onto. Videos & recordings of his songs & his stage banter.
And he still shows up in my dreams.
When I was round about 11 is when my Dad decided to go whole hog into folk music as his full time.
But before that, my whole life, he had always played his guitar & sang songs for us.
Small family birthday parties.
& rowdy ruckus all nighter barn burners...
And 9 times out of 10, the songs he sang before he started writing his own.
were John Prine songs.
Sam Stone.
Hello in there.
Bruised Oranges.
Spanish Pipedream.
We lived in a falling down farmhouse in rural Ohio.
The monthly rent was the property taxes.
The only things nearby were train tracks and a tavern my folks got cokes & 6 year old me could eat grilled cheese sandwiches & bartender Ernie let me dance on the bar.
We had a TV but rarely papers.
My folks had gone to the country & created a home.
We planted a little garden, ate a lot of peaches.
And my dad was adamant that you could only find Jesus on your own.
And even as my dad wrote dozens of epic songs, he was a wonderful songwriter,
So clearly he was deeply, perennially inspired by John Prine.
& my Dad always played John Prine songs around campfires, at my high school graduation celebration, at my college parties
I grew up with my own personal John Prine human jukebox.
One I love with every fiber of my being.
My heart weeps for John's family tonight.
It weeps for me too.
For John.
And for my Dad.
Because we don't move on from grief.
We move forward with grief.
And it is always there.
But we don't have to let it be a Chain of Sorrow.
Sometimes grief wraps you in a big warm hug, like love leaking out of the shadows.
So I am going to listen to John Prine tonight.
and cry.
and wallow in the best memories a person can have.
and sing.
because the years just flow by like a broken down dam.
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