The way capitalism frequently leads to the mistreatment of workers in an effort to prioritize profit over lives is undoubtedly disgusting, but I fail to see how it is an argument against veganism. Absolutely these workers face horrible conditions, and absolutely (cont)
they should be accounted for in our efforts to achieve a more compassionate world. But just because it does not address every problem does not render its efforts or implications useless. Does going vegan automatically mean workers will be treated more fairly? (cont)
Unfortunately, no. But that doesn't mean that we should disregard the suffering and death of non-human animals within animal agriculture. We can focus on both: we can both go vegan as one of many steps we can take in an effort to lessen the harm we cause, and we can (cont)
also be conscious of the conditions from which our produce came and seek to purchase food that comes from fair conditions. Caring about crop pickers and being vegan are not mutually exclusive, so, again, I don't understand (cont)
how the conditions crop pickers face is an argument. If your argument is against vegans who simply don't care about human rights issues, then it's worth noting that that isn't actually arguing against the principles or effectiveness of veganism, but rather (cont)
against certain individuals. Further, the violation of workers' rights and wellbeing is exacerbated by the existence of animal agriculture. Slaughterhouse workers face terrifying conditions and suffer from substantially high rates of conditions like PTSD, alcoholism, (cont)
domestic violence, depression, anxiety, and suicide. This makes sense when you consider what they do and where they work. Also, animal agriculture is notorious for poisoning the air and water of the poor communities which reside near factory farms. (cont)
They do this because they know that these communities have neither the power nor money to hold them legally accountable. We also have to grow crops to feed the animals whom we kill, so in addition to having people pick crops for human consumption, (cont)
the existence of animal agriculture means we now ALSO have to have people harvesting crops for non-human consumption. Our current system is bad, yes. But that doesn't mean we can't work to make the industries within it less awful in an effort to (cont)
spare at least some of the suffering of those who are most at risk because of it. I hope this made sense, and sorry for the long thread, I just tried to give plenty of information (although there's still a lot more to be said). I hope this was helpful and productive, and (cont)
if the idea of talking about this further on voice chat is appealing to you, then we could set something up on Discord if you'd like (I've personally found that to be more enjoyable, but not everyone does, so I get it).
You can follow @nicolebud5.
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