16/03/2020 Day 1 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Really felt/noticed much longer this was than the ~20 mins I’ve typically ever done.
Seems real opportunity to go deeper.
17/03/2020 Day 2 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Went okay, but succumbed to checking the time at about 45 min mark.
18/03/2020 Day 3 of @naval's 60 day 1hr meditation - very restless, settled about 1/2 hour in. Felt much better for it. Found attention wandering & almost bouncing with energy/restlessness, managed to find hint of peace but no break from mind. Thoughts filled with current events.
19/03/2020 Day 4 of @naval's 60 day 1hr meditation - Very busy mind, swirling thoughts about missed opportunities, financial concerns etc. Came to rest 2nd half? By end began to still roiling waves. Impulse control needs work, physically restless - but much better than yesterday.
20/03/2020 Day 5 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Late start, not ideal. Still taking me 1/2 hour to settle in & need to work on restlessness/impulse control. Working through current events and the pit of yesterday. Legs going numb an issue.
21/03/2020 Day 6 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Left till evening, not ideal, more distractions. Found distinct moments of stillness about 3/4 in. Leg got completely numb - lay on back towards end.
22/03/2020 Day 7 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Thoughts filled with financials. Had less success noticing any peace. Restless, checked time 40 mins in. Not an ideal attempt.
23/03/2020 Day 8 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Went okay. Morning, but not first thing. Was hungry/thirsty and still a bit fidgety.
24/03/2020 Day 9 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Went alright, not as well as yesterday. No particular glimpse of stillness, or maybe only faintest of hints. Physical posture/comfort and fidgeting need work.
25/03/2020 Day 10 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Went okay. Wondering about degree to which I may be chasing the calm ‘gravity’ sensation. Alarm made me jump.
26/03/2020 Day 11 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Left till evening. Tried to just surrender to whatever occurred. Went so-so till maybe the end. Went a little over time.
27/03/2020 Day 12 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Went okay. Lay on side while doing it. Very comfortable but maybe drifted off for a second there near end, so perhaps too comfortable. Come what may.
28/03/2020 Day 13 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Was decent. Not restless, sat comfortably. Stilled halfway through for a bit. Doesn’t seem quite so long now.
29/03/2020 Day 14 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Went okay. A bit more preoccupied with thoughts today, still went deeper for a moment early-mid session. My breathing always changes when the experience shifts.
Day 15 of @naval's 60 day 1 hour meditation - Went alright. My mind has a lot to process apparently. The more I try to grasp stillness the more it slips away.
Day 16 of @naval’s 60 day meditation challenge.

Thinking about in a world that’s always on, how valuable space to let the mind unravel is.

Confronting my own guilt about not making maximum ‘optimal use’ of time at every moment, past, present, future.
Day 17 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

At the end of yesterday and much of today - started thinking what’s beyond a ‘success’ and ‘failure’ dichotomy.

Such a framework can be a hurdle, one I am often too quick to trip on.
Day 18 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

No particular revelation today.

Just glad of the port in the storm.
Day 19 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

First thing in the morning continues to prove great for a fresh approach.

It felt easy today to just slip into the flow, little effort required.
The metaphor that comes to mind is riding a horse along a forest path.

The ground is less muddy, the brambles on each side are thinning, the fruit on the ground less distracting.

The horse is more cooperative, and maybe we are becoming familiar with this route.
It’s actually an amalgamation of two metaphors, but you get the idea.

The synthesis works, I think.
On a meta note: my keeping a log is itself an occasional distracting thought, but a minor one.
Day 20 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

The habit is forming.

A territory of interiority.

The map is not the territory.




Accept & continue.
I have doubts about managing expectations, epiphany, revelation, surrender, myself.

Is there anything deeper or exceptional?

I have inklings, but going to see if there is understanding to be found.

Maybe it won’t matter, maybe it will.

Still, I’m glad I’ve done this so far.
Day 21 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Felt like things clicked in to place a little bit more.


Long stretches of stillness are incredibly soothing.

Also starting to feel like perhaps my willpower is benefitting a little.
Day 22 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Allowing myself to do nothing is huge.

If I don’t *have* to do anything,

I can choose what to do.

And that makes all the difference.
But not scratching itches remains a test..
Day 23 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Once settled - had some shifts in experience that caught me by surprise.

Some brief, some slightly longer.

I want to say ‘will explore further’ but it’s more like being a buoy on the ocean.

That’s all today.
Day 24 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Very grateful for the exercise today.

Settling stormy sea to standard swells.

Can the water ever be completely like glass?

Shall see.
Day 25 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Noticing my own thoughts is a way to go deeper, but sometimes it’s a fine balance not to force it.

Was a bit distractible today I think.
If nothing else it is valuable thinking time, and epiphanies are treasures.

But it can be more about being uninhibited by the internal conversation, rather than ceaseless assessing past & future.

I don’t know
What is the nature of contemplation?
Is it mind? No mind?
Played around with repeating a word to myself for last ~10mins.

Honed in my attention really fast, but only to an ‘intermediate’ level -

Neither deep nor shallow.
Day 26 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

First time feeling I did it ‘properly’ for the entire hour.

No fidgeting, minimal distraction.

Just still, tranquil, witnessing.

(And startled by the alarm).
Day 27 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Getting noticeably easier to find the path again.

Both when starting and straying.
Day 28 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Just lost in the experience for long stretches.

The stranglehold of time seemed starting to ease off,
Or perhaps just losing it’s significance.

The beauty of freedom and

I want to find my way deeper.

But that desire and impatience are the very barrier to doing so.
Day 29 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Relaxing but mostly more mundane experience today.

The thought: ‘Falling asleep while remaining awake’
kept reoccurring in my head.
Day 30 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.


Seems to strange to think.

Feels like I’m only just getting started.
It’s becoming easier to allow myself to let go and be adrift.

Much of today was so.

Feeling good.
Day 31 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Caught up by thoughts a bit more again today.

Still managing to without effort maintain base layer of tranquillity almost entirely throughout

I attribute the discipline of this exercise

Not seeking but knowing the way

Relaxed is faster
As a note I started later in the morning than usual.
Speed is relaxed
Tense is slow
Day 32 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

I’ve had taste of the present for quite a while.

I find it ever remarkable with how much more ease this exercise has made submerging.

But not so today.
(Apart from a faint glimpse)

Yet I am all the better for it.
Day 33 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Today ended up valuable thinking time more so than meditation.

Still happy with this, time went quickly.
Day 34 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

In effect started before the ‘hour’ even began.

I haven’t tended to start immediately upon waking, but today I just fell into it.
After a certain point I then realised this.

Awareness from swirling thoughts and back to now.
Day 35 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Floating is a way that can’t be grasped.

Very relaxed.
Day 36 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Didn’t meditate till after midday.

Despite the distractions, sunk in completely at ease.


Deeply fulfilling.
Like a muscle - awareness of my thought loop grows with each rep.
Even amidst those most liquid thoughts, a groove is forming in the landscape of the mind.

One that effortlessly channels the liquid likes
a canal as it gets deeper.
Maybe one day it will be a canyon.
Day 37 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

More mundane experience today.

Working through thoughts.

Time seemed to slip away at the end though.

Alarm jolted me out just as starting to get really interesting.
Day 38 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Some years old thoughts/issues unearthed themselves.

Had almost forgotten.

Good to clear the soil.
Day 39 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Not everyday is so easy.

But I can always tell the difference before and after.

I think I would probably be a lot more stir crazy without.
Day 40 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Definitely ~45 minutes feels like nothing now.

Also some good flow of productive thoughts.

Attention wandered during last 15.

Certainly not the first time.

Just felt ready to get started with the day.
Day 41 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Not really sure how to describe today.

Between being lost in thought and losing thoughts seemed over in almost a blink.
Day 42 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Finding a more consistent joy in following the random tangle of thoughts as they arise.

Even if that is all that comprises a given moment of experience.
Trying to put a finger on it, perhaps identifying less with the thoughts themselves.
A step towards detachment


The sharper the blade the more effortlessly it cuts.

Removing noise to reveal signal.

Better incision - better decision.

Sharpen, sharpen...
Day 43 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

It seems like a trick of perception that the time is over in a seemingly quicker and quicker flash.

It’s just practice.

So much easier to settle in when you have vision of what’s possible.
Day 44 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Just appreciating again making space from all the noise.



The boundaries aren’t so definite.
Day 45 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Another day of streams and streams of thoughts.

Keeping at it all the same.
Day 46 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Attention really is the key.

It’s our primary tool.
Our primary resource.

Learning to use it wisely.
Day 47 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

I’m beginning to think more about the difference between ‘hard’/‘easy’ meditation being the amount of presence of self in the equation. Regardless of what else is going on.

Awareness without self leads to much calmer clarity of mind.
Though wondering whether think is the wrong word.

Although thought is certainly involved.
Day 48 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Broke ~halfway through from the urge to scribble some things down, after which resuming.

So yeah, that happened.
My mind is on articulation a lot these days.
Day 49 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Mastered the urge to write the letter I was composing in my head.

Fresh eyes.
Fresh vigour.

(But not force)
Day 50 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Back in the zone.

Emptying out.

A good reminder.
Day 51 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Uncertain how to describe today.

A bit of an ebb an flow between tension and relaxation.

Point of difference is the fine ‘balance’ of letting go?

The (non)application of attention.

Day 52 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Peaceful, easy, a joy.

Refreshing experiences like today are worth it.

The depths are tantalising.
Day 53 of @Naval’s 60 day meditation.

Despite any peaks and valleys/steps forward and back - Noticing the subtle but consistent refinement of practice does slowly creep up on you.
Day 54 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Happier with my capacity for just allowing the mind to wander or not.

Letting go was/is always the big challenge for me.
Feeling more in alignment.

Rather than clinging too tightly to self.
Day 55 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Very noisy today

Day 56 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Just because perfect aspirational qualities are never attainable in reality doesn’t mean there’s any less value in striving for them.

Life is a journey not a finish line.
Day 57 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

An opened mind is an unconquerable mind.

Mine’s still a monkey, clinging to it’s battlements.

But it can be moved, stone by stone.
Day 58 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

Suffused with presence.
Day 59 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.

The great thing about 60 days is that it effectively forces development of a habit.

Strangely hard to imagine a time where it wasn’t.
Day 60 of @naval’s 60 day meditation.


Is it weird to find the milestone doesn’t mean much to me?
Still, looking back at this thread, interesting to see the progress I’ve made.

Seems both so long, and yet no time at all.
Big thanks @naval for the suggestion, teasing, and encouragement.
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