the only people who misunderstand Orwell's 1984 are those that go around trying to imagine it has a "leftist" message
yeah I'm sure every child in the english speaking world gets that trash drilled into them like a mantra because the leftists managed to sneak a good one in lmao
the less complicated reading is the correct one: it's an anti-communist book that the establishment pushes, and the right adores and cites constantly, because it is effective anti-communist propaganda
the CIA loves Orwell and distributes him like candy lmao 
but nothing makes his intent more clear than Orwell naming the villain of 1984 "O'Brien"

given English-Irish history, it takes a v strange kind of "leftist" to scaremonger with the possibility that the irish would one day be in charge of a cruel vengeful dystopia

(h/t eXile)
in his notebooks Orwell went on and on about anti-white blacks, jewesses, and homosexuals; Rorschach style

he wrote up a literal snitch-list of suspected communists for the cops!
Orwell was a misogynist too, which came through in his writing

here Isaac Asimov reviews 1984 very negatively for New Worker
Orwell on Hitler, 1940

(pic by S. Haider, who predictably gushes about Orwell and makes no note of how this gushing and sympathy contrasts with Orwell's attitude to Stalin, Robeson, or even Gandhi)
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