When I arrived in Lisboa in 2012, I made weekly blog posts as I was too excited. Now, I've resumed the practice as I am worried about the pandemic. See - https://kkpradeeban.blogspot.com/search/label/COVID-19

I think my posts could be useful in the future. But I hope not.

Pandemic map https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
Goodbye, 2nd week of WFH. My updates from the week - https://kkpradeeban.blogspot.com/2020/03/pandemic-atlanta-lockdown-week-2.html

We all survived it. But, the #COVID19 is thriving too. I hope we contain the #pandemic successfully soon. Stay home and stay safe.

Now, ready for yet another stay-home week!
My updates from the week-3 of Atlanta Lockdown.

Nothing exciting. Just random thoughts stuck home alone until a distant future.
My updates from the week-4 of Atlanta Lockdown.

I was busy with work this week. Nothing complex to report personally.

Only 2 instances of human face-to-face interaction with 2 individuals with a safe (10 meters!) distance between us this week.
My updates from the week-5 of #Atlanta #Lockdown.

Sometimes we move non-stop and too fast. Only when we slow down, we have time to look back and appreciate the good things we had in our life.

Nothing positive to add. But recalling some good old memories.
My updates from the week-6 of #Atlanta #Lockdown.

Mostly just making drinks and some rants. Nothing significant to report.
My updates from the week-7 of the #Atlanta #COVID__19 #Lockdown.


Still up and down days. No end in sight for this long dark tunnel.
My updates from the week-8 of the #Atlanta #COVID__19 #Lockdown.


Life alone in a deadly pandemic that doesn't seem to have an end in near sight.
My updates from the week-9 of the #Atlanta #COVID__19 #Lockdown.


Another uneventful week. But no news is in a way good news during a deadly pandemic.
My updates from the week-10 of the Atlanta COVID-19 Lockdown. 3rd month of WFH and uncertainties in late 2020 and 2021.

2020 has now become my most bizarre year, overtaking 2017, the year that I moved back and forth as:🇵🇹🇧🇪🇵🇹🇧🇪🇵🇹🇧🇪🇸🇦🇧🇪🇵🇹

My updates from the week-11 of the Atlanta COVID-19 Lockdown. https://kkpradeeban.blogspot.com/2020/05/pandemic-atlanta-lockdown-week-11.html
My updates from the week-12 of the Atlanta COVID-19 Lockdown.


Adding this background music here, to quench the negative energy from the blog post. lol
My updates from the week-13 of the #Atlanta #COVID19 #Lockdown.


Entering the 4th month of working-from-home, with no end in sight.
My updates from the week-14 of the #Atlanta #COVID19 #Lockdown.


Nothing but more uncertainties due to travel restrictions, visa challenges, and other COVID19 related issues.
My updates from the week-15 of the #Atlanta #COVID19 #Lockdown.


Yet another boring uneventful week. But I made some progress in my research, which is good.

We are reaching a long weekend!
My updates from the week-16 of the #Atlanta #COVID19 #Lockdown.


Nothing special. A long-weekend that was almost forgotten.
You can follow @pradeeban.
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