So two mornings ago, I suddenly woke up with a 103.6F fever. The day before, I had slept maybe 12-16 hours. Did a home yoga workout, figured the body aches and dehydration came from that. yes, I’ve been home except for my shift at the hospital. I last traveled 2.5 weeks ago.
C had just flown in 10-11 days previously to work from home at my place. And all he’s been was inside my apt with my dog while working, sleeping, and cooking. We have plenty of cleaners, sanitizers, and soap due to my nurse habits.
C had been feeling generally fatigued even though he’s been sleeping 7-9 hours. No fever. Started body aches after that yoga session with me. I had chills and a headache that night, slight loss of appetite. Some nausea. Med’d up. Woke up with mentioned high fever.
My heart rate was 130s, which is abnormal; my normal is 80s. Tested negative for rapid Flu A & B. Since I’m an essential worker & hospital employee, that has not been exposed to true COVID+ pts, the hospital has be tested for COVID due to symptoms. NOTE. Testing kits are scarce.
ER doc at my employment suspects it’s COVID. I needed to get checked bc I was supposed to work that night and entire weekend, and there was no way I was going to pass the newly enforced temp check.
Took tylenol every 4 hours bc my temp would hit close to 103 after it drops to 100-101. Normally I could walk my dog; that took too much energy. Finally decided that night to let the fever ride. Woke up a teeny bit better. Did an afternoon nap. Woke up in a pool of sweat.
Fever had broken down to 97. This was yesterday. Energy and appetite restored. This was only over a course of 48 hours. I did take my temp this morning, low grade fever. Still waiting test results. Thankful for my work family for checking in on me to make sure I wasn’t alone.
Didn’t develop shortness of breath of chest pain. I did feel a short bout of slight chest pressure that Friday morning. Also did have a small cough; that could be bc if what I contracted or sinus/allergies.
UPDATE: no results yet still. I called yesterday, and they said they’ll call me with results. Still rocking a 100-102 fever. Random joint pain. Lethargy. Sleeping 2-3 times a day. Lowered appetite. Whatever this is, you don’t want it.
UPDATE: COVID test was negative. So they think it’s flu.
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