Trump’s narcissistic sociopathy is creating two deadly, politically-driven realities:

1) A red state tribal loyalty/ideological purity/cult membership test


2)A petty, vindictive, sadistic, revenge-driven vanity project against Trump’s personal and political enemies. 1/
When Trump recklessly suggested reopening the economy on Easter, aside from pandering to Evangelicals, it dangerously reinforces the belief created by Trump & the Right Wing Echo Chamber, and held by millions of Trump supporters: Coronavirus is a hoax...2/
As @SykesCharlie pointed out, at time when a national crisis should have a unifying effect, it is instead becoming a source of further division in the country because political/tribal loyalty is dictating how people react to the dangers of the virus. 3/
Essentially, we have reached a point where listening to doctors/scientists is viewed through the lens of Trump’s fake, hyper-masculine persona…to the point where taking prudent, life-saving precautions is now seen as a sign of emasculation. 4/
This obviously goes well beyond the usual gravitational pull that exists between narcissists and religion….and rises to the level of a sociopathic, psychotically delusional death wish. 6/
And the Governor of Mississippi has refused to take required safety precautions b/c “We are not California”…..or “China”…..therefore they must show they love America or that American is great under Trump by defying the science/doctors/reality....8/
Translation: if my enemies (Liberals and Foreign minorities) are for it or are doing it, then our tribalism dictates that we must be against it: 9/
The result of all of this has been an increasing contemplation of a sociopathic trade-off where “Pro-life” Republicans are willing to let people die in exchange for saving the economy….. 10/
A while back, Trump & others (Steve King) referenced “civil war” & social upheaval if Trump was removed from office. I analyzed those comments through the lens of Trump’s narcissism. That analysis is relevant to the Trump’s/Right’s reaction to Covid19….11/
What all of this exposes is a deadly Red state tribal loyalty/ideological purity/cult membership test that essentially provides Trump with the greatest source of narcissistic supply a malignant narcissist could experience because…. 12/
….if people are willing to sacrifice their grandparents, other Americans, and even their own lives in order to “save” the economy…..and by extension, Trump, his presidency, and his legacy.…

...then, in Trump’s mind…Trump must be a “great man”…. 13/
Trump’s narcissistic sociopathy is also creating a deadly, politically-driven, Blue state reality due to his petty, vindictive, sadistic, revenge-driven need to settle scores with personal and political enemies. 14/
It is not beyond Trump’s sociopathy/narcissism to discount blue state mortalities…not just as revenge for previous “disloyalty”, or for a refusal to kiss his narcissistic rings….. but as diminishing factor in the 2020 election: dead people can’t vote. 16/
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