something a lot of ppl don’t know about me is my love for films. boredom has caused me to make a thread of some of my favourite ever movies (i’ve deffo missed out some they’ll come to me) enjoy xxx
1. Snatch. Guy ritchie through and through. Totally violent and slightly head frying in the best of ways.
2. Back to the future- Do I really have to explain this one?
3. Suspiria 2018 remake- Indie, weird, arty horror that chills u to the bone. Luca Guadagnino is fast become one my fave directors, if you’ve seen this or call me by your name you’ll know why. Also a full score by Thom Yorke and stars my QUEEN Tilda Swindon so what’s not to love?
4. Trainspotting- Makes me feel nostalgic for a time I wasn’t even part of. Besides the drug addiction it’s one of the most beautifully directed and perfectly soundtracked films i’ve seen to this day.
7. The count of monte cristo- Idk what to say apart from watch it and feel the magic. The ending is truly amazing.
9. The notebook- Soppy alert but I don’t think i’ve ever found myself sobbing so much I can’t breathe as I did by the end of this.
10. Mississippi burning- A film that genuinely broke my heart. I’ve never felt so much anger and fucking distain as i’ve felt watching this movie. Very hard watch but important in educating ourselves.
11. The dark knight- Self explanatory
5. Shawshank Redemption- Although it’s an obvious choice i’ve never felt as resolved by the end of a movie as i have by this film. I also believe i’ve watched it 29 times in total, so must be good
12. Last but not least. My favourite comedy of all time and always watch when needing a laugh.
i’m adding call me by your name to this thread. one of the most perfect movies i’ve ever seen. just pure fucking beauty, heartbreak and love. i want to immerse myself in everything about this film “our hearts and bodies are given to us only once. topped off with sufjan stevens.
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