When people find out who I really am, they often head for the hills without even giving me a chance to explain why I am the way,I am.
All I wanna do is to find my place in this doomed world.I just want to belong.Surely that’s not too bad of a dream

NB:Rape Triggers.

Many do not know that I exist. Those who do know that I exist think that I am just like my siblings but, let me tell you this. I am not!
My siblings are known for destruction because they boast about their works. I, on the other hand, find solace in working privately, without a single trace.... and I am good at it.
I am not like my siblings as they only find pleasure in corrupting souls. I, on the other hand find pleasure in bringing souls to their knees, by hook or by crook.
My siblings work best in the darkness and I, although darkness is what drives me, am not limited by the prideful Sun, the optimistic Moon or the Calming Stars. I am not bound by time.
I only go where I’m called, and they go where they please. They build shelter in any place they find, while I, only choose land that’s been already burnt. A land that bares no fruit.
I go by many names. Some call me the tower of torture. While others call me the second mistress of the underworld. Anything besides the name demoness is fine with me. Okay maybe I should give y’all a few names that you can reference me by.
My first and special name is called Gyllou; the second Amorphous; the third Abyzo; the fourth Karkhous; the fifth Brianê; the sixth Bardellous; the seventh Aigyptianê; the eighth Barna. To make things easy, just call me Abyzo.
Oh, look at you reciting my names like a spell-caster. You’re reminding me of the good old days when I had priestesses that worshiped me day and night. Oh how I miss the sight of my mountain high temples that honored my twelve mysteries.
History books regard me mainly as a threat to child-bearing women and to infants and let you this, they got it all wrong. All I was trying to do was to take over a young body so I could be the female messiah that my believers awaited.
For centuries, I entered wombed babies but none could bear my celestial soul. I should’ve known it wasn’t going to happen. I was far too high in the angelica ranks before I fell from grace. No child would withstand my power.
How dare you say you’ve never heard of me?!
I am more famous than
Beelzebub and Drago combined. In the Testament of king Solomon, I declared that I have ten-thousands of names and forms, and that Raphael is my antithesis.
She & I are eternal enemies. Till this presents day, she still follows my trail, hence why I attack in secrete, making sure I strike while the iron is hot so that by the time she catches up with me, it’s too late. I’ve always been smarter!
She’s failed many missions, with the help of the lack of belief from mortals of course.
Let me give you an easy example. Nomzamo Masilela, daughter of Ernest Masilela, of the house of Dlambili, was one hell of a case! Nevertheless, I conquered her!
She is one of the few people whom can truly say that they saw me in my complete and truest form. Lucky bastard!
She was special to me because she was one of the few people with two guardian angels by her side.
You still think I am doesn’t have favorites?!
It’s very seldom for someone of my nature to find someone like Nomzamo. People with two guardian angels are almost invisible in the eyes of infernal lords. This is why Mary, Noah, Abraham, and Anna never had an incident with one of my kind. In simple terms, they were untouchable.
For me to be able to see Nomzamo regardless of the heavenly security guards by her side,proved to me that I, unlike my siblings am the most powerful! Lilith herself has no record of coming into contact with such a person.
Lucifer is the only damned one who can see such beings and that is because he was an archangel. He’s also the only one who’s seen and interacted with the second form of the Trinity. He’s that powerful! So technically, I am second after him, because I was able to see Nomzamo.
Like many of my victims, they have to call unto me, for me to attend to their pathetic souls.
Wait, i didn’t tell you that trauma is what summons me? Yes, any kind of trauma that a human being suffers triggers a wave in the otherworld that only I can read.
Well...I suppose that heavenly messengers can also pick up on it, but in the infernal legions, it is I, Abyzo who can detect traumas. Maybe this is because I was once a messenger myself.

Dumbest job ever!
I respond best to traumas such as murder,
Physical abuse, severe injuries and life changing sicknesses, but rape is by far, my favorite because it doesn’t only corrupt the body, it slowly crushes one’s soul too.
It is at this stage that I would come in and push one to the edge. Yes, suicide!
To those deserving of my spirit, I would enter and establish an earthly life, which sooner or later results in madness to the minds of those who’s bodies, I borrow.
When Nomzamo was raped by her uncle at the age of 14, I was in Egypt, minding my own business. I tried to ignore her but her cries were louder than the trumpets of judgement day. Her aching heart, a beating drum to summon I, Barna, respondent to the cries of men.
I flapped my gorgeous wings and followed the scent of blood that flowed from her open gates, down to her two pillars that her uncle had pulled apart so his long held desires could finally find their way inside her....
Ah, South Africa, the Land from which I AM granted the shield of protection against all earthly disasters.The land from which Adam himself,set foot in,right before our kind had him corrupted. Who knew you would turn out to be like this? You,whom the greatest of angels protected?
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