The Mail on Sunday has *2 double page splashes* deflecting blame for the coronavirus onto foreigners and stirring up xenophobia.

Target 1: the EU.
Target 2: China.

The reality is, Boris Johnson bungled this crisis very, very badly. He zigged when the rest of the world zagged.
3 March 2020 (3 weeks *after* China brought its coronavirus cases under control through drastic distancing measures): Boris Johnson boasted he was "shaking hands continuously" including in a hospital that was handling coronavirus patients.
10 March 2020 (1 month *after* China's curve flattened, 4 days *after* South Korea's did): "There is 'no rationale' to postponing sporting events in Britain because of coronavirus, according to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport"
10 March 2020: Dr Jenny Harries (England's deputy chief medical officer) said:
"The virus will not survive very long outside"
"Many outdoor events, particularly, are relatively safe."
11 March 2020: Dr David Halpern (chief executive of the government-owned Behavioural Insights Team i.e. their "nudge unit") uses "herd immunity" on the record to explain the plan being followed to have the coronavirus spread through the UK population.
12 March 2020: Analysis published of "herd immunity" based on the empirical evidence of *what actually already happened* in other countries.

"Herd immunity: The government’s 'magic solution' to coronavirus doesn’t make sense"
12 March 2020: Boris Johnson addresses the nation. He says "I must level with the British public: many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time."

(This is later on the day the Government's plan was widely debunked)
16 March 2020: Boris Johnson announces a major clampdown on social contact. But says: "Lastly, it remains true as we have said in the last few weeks that risks of transmission of the disease at mass gatherings such as sporting events are relatively low."
16 March 2020: Widespread reports of the Government having changed tack because of a new report that spelled out the staggering likely death toll (something experts had been screaming about for weeks and weeks)
So there we have it.

Boris Johnson was right, absolutely spot on, when he said a couple of weeks ago: "I must level with the British public: many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time."

Before their time. And it's all on him and his crew of wreckers.

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