COVID mythbusting: Part 3

Myth: Coronavirus is airborne.


It’s a droplet infection, requiring close contact. The NEJM article only hinted at the virus’ ability to be aerosolized in a lab.

Our air is CLEAN! Walk in a park!

WHO also approves this position.
Myth: We won’t get COVID because we are (insert your religion here).

Coronavirus does not ask whether you are Christian or Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or Sikh or (many more) or Atheist. The virus only asks: Are you human?

Previous outbreaks didn’t spare any faith.
Myth: Using the expensive antibacterial soap is better in preventing COVID than regular soap.

CoronaVIRUS is not a bacteria, remember?

Donate extra money to the needy during this time of hardship. Use regular soap instead.
Myth: Don’t order food from a restaurant. What if a COVID positive person had coughed or sneezed at it? You’d get COVID.

Not a single +case has been linked to food. CDC/USDA agree. Norovirus is feco-oral.

If you’re still concerned, microwave the food for 2 minutes.
Myth: You can bring Coronavirus into your home via shoes.

Panic alert!!!
From that logic, lightening can also strike you twice in a day. Don’t get panicked by such hypotheticals.

I’ve diagnosed/treated viruses for 20 years. Droplet infections don’t spread that way.
Myth: COVID can penetrate through skin. Wear gloves.

Wrong: The virus does not get transmitted through skin. Wearing gloves is a bad idea because virus may accumulate on the glove and if you touch your face it’s easily transmitted. Plus gloves can rip.

Handwashing is best!
Finally, why am I sharing this stuff?

So life doesn’t become unnecessarily hard. We are likely to live with COVID for months. Don’t deny and don’t panic. Learn to stay happy and adapt with this lifestyle.

That’s what we as a family are doing too.
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