The past 4 days have been a blur. I'm starting to re-live a few moments, and I want to address one in particular.

Shortly after my son tested positive for #COVID19 at South Health Campus in #yyc, a nurse gowned up and said she needed to speak with me.
She sat me down and delivered the blow that now that he was positive, I had to leave. I probably don't have to describe how I received that news. But I remember her face now, and she felt it too. She watched as I woke him up to tell him. She watched his reaction.
She thanked me for understanding. She then calmly delivered the necessary information as I bawled through my mask.

I can't remember her name. But I know there are many of you out there like her.
To my nurse, know that I appreciate how difficult it was for you too. I know you carry those moments with you. Thank you for doing your job.

Thank you Lori, for being my anchor on that day. Thank you to the numerous doctors who are working on my son's case.
We are fortunate in #yyc to have the medical staff we do. They are prepared. They are already in the trenches. They are doing an amazing job.

I know because of you my son will be home soon.

cc @Crackmacs @AHS_media

Update with some details:
He's home now.
He is 19 years old.
His case was complicated by a co-infection with mono (EBV)
He had not travelled, never qualified for testing. Just a U of C student attending class before they were shut down.
He self-isolated right away.
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