What, me? Oh, just making myself into art from the @ChchArtGallery collection to stave off boredom. https://christchurchartgallery.org.nz/collection/69-96/raymond-francis-mcintyre/ruth
Been at it again. This time impersonating Olivia Spencer Bower in a self-portrait. https://christchurchartgallery.org.nz/collection/99-19/olivia-spencer-bower/self-portrait @ChchArtGallery (Curse my lack of orange cardigans)
Going a bit abstract today. “Troubled” by Brent Harris, 1995 vs “Troubled by toilet paper panic buying”, 2020. https://christchurchartgallery.org.nz/collection/2018101/brent-harris/troubled
Getting fan-tastic with The Dancer, Mary Elizabeth Richardson Tripe. https://christchurchartgallery.org.nz/collection/69-503/mary-elizabeth-richardson-tripe/the-dancer
Rora Hupariki Tawha of Wairewa by Robert Herdman-Smith c. 1908 vs Moata Tamaira of Phillipstown, 2020.
But in all seriousness, Covid-19 pandemic modelling suggests " severe disease burden is likely to fall unequally on Māori, Pacific peoples, and the elderly". https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/preliminary_report_for_moh_-_covid-19_modelling_for_nz_-_draft_27_feb_2020.pdf
You can follow @MoataTamaira.
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