a well written "good" or "nice" character isn't inherently easier for an actor to play. the idea that a "bad" or "mean" character is inherently more complex bc they have to either make the audience love them or hate them ~with no in between~ is literally just bad writing.
multidimensional characterisation shouldnt be restricted to what side of the story they fall on. there are definitely villains out there that you are not supposed to 100% love or hate? & making the audience feel in between love & hate often means more compelling to play, not less
and thats not even getting into the fact that portraying moral complexity is not the be all/end all of acting - e.g. a performance of grief or portraying different body language/mannerisms/voices for separate characters who are also completely seperate to who you are as a person
these are all acting challenges that can be present in a well written "good" or "nice" character that may not be present in a simply written "bad" or "mean" character.
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