There are three steps to follow if you want to gain a following as an “influential voice” in social/digital marketing on Twitter.

Follow these guidelines and you’ll be booking podcast appearances as a “social media guru” by the third week of this quarantine.
1) You have to have an opinion on everything, and more importantly you have to present your opinion as a fact.

❌”Here’s why I think this campaign missed its mark”

✅ “This was a failure on many levels, I can’t believe people still think this works”
2) Ensure that all of your takes (particularly the hottest ones) are both moderately vague and COMPLETELY unquantifiable.

You’ll learn quickly that nobody can prove you wrong as long as you keep your definitions of “right and wrong” intentionally vague enough to talk around it.
3) Never, and I mean EVER, showcase your own work on your channels. You know better than anyone that defining success is subjective, so if you present your own work you’re simply opening the door for people to poke holes in it!

Only ever comment on the work of others!
So that’s it! People spend years trying to figure out how to succeed on Twitter, and you just learned how to get those numbers up in under two minutes!
This is still an incredibly new industry as a whole, and it literally changes by the day! Most folks in this industry are surrounded by others in their organization that aren’t fully immersed in social and digital marketing, so by nature we trust what we read *on* social!
I say that not as a criticism, but more as an understanding of *why* people buy into the soap box preachers in this space. It’s easy to feel like you’re learning from people like that, but just take a sec to really analyze what they’re saying before you hit retweet.
You’re going to realize when you look under the hood that there’s actually nothing there!

(Oh....but be sure to always use gifs. People fucking love gifs.)
iF yOu WoUlD LiKe tO hAvE mE oN yOuR pOdCaSt tO DiScUsS mY dMs ArE aLwAyS oPeN
It brings me so much peace seeing how many DMs I’ve gotten about this because everyone hates it but people are in general too nice to say something about it!
You can follow @muldowney.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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