Wealth. As of 2013, Black and Latino families held about 1/68 the amount of household wealth that White families had. Structural racism is behind this. This means no reserves when jobs are lost due to #COVID19 and economy tanks. /2 https://twitter.com/Eugenia_South/status/1201691403467808768?s=20
Jobs. Many of the *low-wage* jobs deemed essential right now are held by minorities. Case in point: custodial staff. @LashNolen argues in @Health_Affairs for recognition and protection for these often invisible but vital front line workers. /3 https://twitter.com/LashNolen/status/1243582434580393985?s=20
Also, churches have long played an important role in the fabric of Black communities. Even though doors are closed, church is still open.

If you are able, please tithe & give offerings online so churches can continue to stand in the gap for many struggling families right now /5
And yes, where we live matters for health even in #COVID19. A map is worth 1000 words. @uressien @dronibee /6 https://twitter.com/UREssien/status/1243875548474028032?s=20
Finally, I pray the innovative ways we are trying to protect the vulnerable (early release from prison, moratorium on evictions, etc), can be a jumping off point for creating a robust social safety net post #COVID19. Because when it ends, structural racism will still be here. END
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