Do I watch Tiger King? Is it most similar to Don’t F**k With Cats? Not sure I have it in me to watch another weirdo series like that atm
Started it with the fam. Here goes
Carol is traj wtf she legit thinks she’s a cat doesn’t she
Joe’s pet 19 year old with the massive hands would get it I’m not sorry
Have they released a Tiger King album of all the original music yet? They pop OFF
Tiger King’s own Baudi Moovan aka Carole Baskin being a suspected husband killer is the twist I needed. My leopard print murder queen
Here Kitty Kitty deserves to be a worldwide number one omg
Big Cat Rescue Entertainment is iconic from Joe tbh
He easy set fire to his studio and those poor alligators didn’t he omg
Joe talking about Travis’ balls at the funeral oh my GOD
He attaches a giant padlock to his bellend piercing?! Nahhh
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