I’ve decided in my new ✨quarantine depression✨ I am going to rewatch all of Gilmore Girls
Lorelai and Luke forever
Also Rory and Jesse forever
Dean is the worst why was he ever even an option
Though I hate where it goes I love the THEORY of Rory’s dad coming back into the picture
The fact that they keep talking about this Rachel and she has curly hair and lives in Chicago and is from New England is maybe rude
And I’m already on the last episode of season one
I am glad that @BuzzFeed put this quiz out in peak Gilmore girls bullshit time but I am NOT glad about my result
AAAALLLLSO sherry is played by Betty’s mom from riverdale who is also Shelly from twin peaks. Oh how the mighty have fallen
I love that Rory’s life goal is to go to Harvard to be like someone who went to URI
Here’s my response to it with all of the boyfriends I’ve gotten to so far
The hockey episode is the closest thing to sports related joy I’ve had in weeks
I can’t believe how awful Melissa McCarthy’s career got after this show
I still hate dean but also right now I hate Jess. I hate that they tried to make dean more likable
I never particularly liked Jason but now I HATE Jason
God mid 2000s fashion was AWFUL
I can’t believe me binging and live tweeting this show has become a personality trait
I WANT to hate Logan but I don’t at the moment. Hatred is subject to change.
“A once in a lifetime experience!”
“Only if you want it to be.”
I am here to reiterate how much I hate dean
They need to stop making Alexis Bledel fake cry. It’s not a good time.
Season 6 questions:
- where did Lauren graham get her new face and how was it that fast
- why do they have a different cell phone in every episode. Are they just using different ones that people worked on the show had????
Season 6 finale thoughts:
- why did they set Logan up to fail he was the most likeable boyfriend.
- I’m finally at the Christopher plot line I hate but I also was already here
- I also hate loralai right now
I just watched the last episode that I saw the first time I watched this show so everything after this is new for me because for some reason I didn’t do this rewatch when a year in the life came out and did some reason I watched it anyway
Wow I didn’t know how awful the Christopher and lorelai storyline gets
This is the worst season
Richard in the hospital I cryyyyyyy
I’m mad no one told me this season was bad. My mother was protecting me by not renting this season.
Rory is trending but it is NOT because of me and this thread I regret to inform you all
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