Guys, this is crazy. Found this tweet that POTUS deleted. Some spoopy stuff with this one.
1. CARES Act was missing an S.
2. Time this was tweeted was 3:23pm Eastern
3. Tweet deleted (because it wouldn't load 4 me)
This led me to search the Q drops for the number 323.
I found drop 3232, which is this Q drop... the watch. With an EXACT one year delta.
Two things about this drop: One, it's got that whole one year delta thing going on. Two, what is 3+2? It's 5. Drop 3232 ---> 3+2, 3+2 ---> 5, 5 ---> 5:5
Lastly, press conference being held at 5pm. What is that in military time?
1700 hours.
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