Here's something kind of funny.

In summer of 2017, Tedros was elected as Director General for the WHO right around the same time that President Trump released his budget plan for the next year.
Under his budget the US would go from contributing 22% of the entire WHO budget each year to about 17%. A cut, but still contributing the most out of any other member state by far.
Tedros was too late to object to Trump's budget, much to his dismay I'm sure.. But he did offer a fun response when asked about the $200M travel expenditures in the previous yr. His response?
“Any travel costs, as long as they can be justified because of the program, it’s fine.”
In the next WHO assembly, the WHO voted itself a $28M increase in assessed contributions in the 2018-2019 budget, which brought the US contribution back to the original amount, oddly enough.

He doesn't even hide is. Assessed contributions are "fully flexible", aka WHO likes.
To ensure the WHO would be more efficient, Tedros released this puzzling venn diagram of alll the things he could magically make happen if only he had more money.

The U.S. would be expected to contribute $117M for the year. China, the second highest, $24M.
At the UN summit for the budget, Tedros had armed security remove journalists from the room.
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