2/ Another important source to read is the letter from the Election Dept. in WA, warning that it is not easy.
3/ Consider the case of GA, expecting maybe 1.5 million voters to cast primary ballots. Because voters don't register by party, all voters would get 3 ballots. (R, D, I) if they were automatically mailed. 22 million ballots would have to be mailed. Asking for trouble!
4/ Consider that most states do not have current databases of voters' signatures to verify when the ballots arrive. What is to be done? Just accept any ballots that arrive? What would prevent widespread fraud?

Remember that 40+% of voters don't even vote. Even with VBM.
5/ Also consider that many states (like GA) don't have good database of mailing address, as they generally focus on residential addresses. Millions of ballots will go astray.

That adds to risk of fraud.

And requires in person voting to mitigate lost ballots.
6/ The @DNC has pushed for permitting any "community groups" to go door to door to collect voted ballots. This is a recipe for voter coercion, "lost" ballots, altered ballots, social pressure, "voting parties" by employers, churches, unions, and pressure from controlling spouse.
7/ Particularly in today's tough job climate, what do employees do when boss says, "everyone, bring in your ballots and we will have a voting party?" And employer collects the ballots for mailing.
8/ What do members do when their minister or Bible teacher pressures them saying, " bring your ballots to church and we will vote together?"

This really does happen!
9/ If everyone gets a ballot automatically, the voter can no longer decline saying, "Sorry, I vote at the polls." High pressure "community groups" collecting ballots will show up frequently!
11/ I know of dozens of cases of controlling spouses demanding to see the mail ballot of the other. I know women and men who dread getting their ballot in the mail and the pain it brings.

Sure it's illegal, but no one will be reported or prosecuted. Voter just suffers.
12/ Some of the very groups that generally promote having options available for voters are now demanding permanent all mail balloting, because they (mistakenly) see an idealogical advantage in forcing mail ballots.
13/ People mistakenly assume that cybersecurity risks don't change with mail ballots. New technology is added that frequently has had no cybersecurity testing, or audits.
Consider how easy it would be to hack which ballot styles are sent to voters.
14/ Another scary hack is the automated signature verification equipment. It can be set to require varying levels of exactness. (Easy to filter/hack by party or zip code, etc). Not nearly enough controls on such systems.
15/ Such signature verification machines can be programmed to say, "reject 20% of the ballots from these streets," or "accept all ballots from this zip code."
16/ For GA advocates insisting on immediate switch to mail ballots--consider that creating adequate controls & protections would likely take 100+ pages of legislation (as it has in other states years ago.)

Do you really want GOP-controlled legislature cramming that down quickly?
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