Keep your distance from those wearing valved respirators:

"A person exhibiting symptoms of illness should not wear a valved respirator, because exhaled particles may leave the respirator via the valve and enter the surrounding environment, potentially exposing other people"
A valve on a respirator mask (e.g., N95) reduces resistance during exhalation. This allows a mask to be worn comfortably for long periods.

But given the possibility of asymptomatic transmission, be careful not to stand too close to someone wearing these masks.
In a discussion with my pharmacist yesterday, he described valves on N95 masks as "virus aerosol delivery devices"
In conclusion: if you see someone wearing a mask, calmly and stealthily look for an exhalation valve.

If you see one, drop your groceries and run. Fast.
A few more words on masks & infection prevention
- A. if you are infected
a mask protects others
- B. if you have never been infected
a mask may prevent infection
- C. if you have recovered (or are immune)
a mask provides positive social signalling
Alas, the simple guidelines above are complicated by the fact that, without testing, one cannot ascertain whether
- one is currently infected (and can therefore infect others)
- one was infected in the past, but asymptomatic, and one is now recovered
Absent knowledge of your own uninfected/infected/recovered status (and that of those you interact with), the precautionary principle suggests that one assume that one is infected (as is everyone else)
The purpose of assuming that you and everyone else is infected is not to freak out.

What the assumption does is provide motivation for protecting yourself and others.

Assuming the infection of all is the basis of a "community kindness".
If I assume that I am infected and — as an act of love — wish to protect you, I will take preventative measures to protect you, e.g., keeping distance, wearing a mask when in a shared space outside the home, e.g., the grocery store.
If our motivation is love, and not paranoia, we can avoid sinking into depression and anxiety.

We can go about our lives and interact without fear of one another.
Fear, of illness, of infection, of public spaces, of other people, etc., leads to contraction, which is the opposite of the nobility and courage we wish to embody.
These are difficult times for you, for me, those we love, and for our communities.

We can face these difficulties together, supporting one another with love, with acts of kindness, with encouragement.
Share your gifts, your knowledge, your energy.

Become aware of the needs of your friends, family, and neighbors.

Reach out to them as you are able, share good advice, encouragement, humor, love.
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