I would like to unpack Dr Yaffe’s comments (?) that once 3 people in a ltcf test positive for covid an outbreak is presumed and no further testing is required.

1. This is guidance that you’d use for a flu outbreak in ltcf
2. With flu, you could put residents and staff on antivirals to protect them, remove unvaccinated staff. Don’t have a covid vaccine, don’t have antivirals
3. Covid has sky high mortality in this pop. Surely you’d want to identify test negative and test positive individuals so you can cohort not-yet infected residents and try to keep them safe?
Covid has sky high mortality in this pop. Surely you would want to identify infected and I infected individuals so their loved ones could be informed (to their relief, or to their horror, but can at least plan)
If my 85 year old relative has covid, I want to make sure affairs are in order, advanced directives are understood and known to carers.

This isn’t just bad and wrong disease control policy, it’s a red, flashing warning light telling us that people high up in PH leadership can’t abandon their pre-covid mental models

This is not flu.
*uninfected not I infected

(Stupid autocorrect)
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