its actually extremely easy to both draw/appreciate adult content and be a responsible and well-adjusted human being that values ethics and a moral compass but the absolute freaks on this website would have you believe thats impossible
every time some troglodyte on this website equates their fucked up incest/pedo fixation to “being horny” or “being queer” i want to grab them by the shoulders n be like “this actually isnt normal or healthy, your experiences arent universal, and you need help extremely badly”
i personally am all for open discussion of sexuality because im passionate abt it and im really not judgmental about “weird” stuff so long as it doesnt have harmful consequences. you can appreciate the quirks of sex and psychology and still draw a hard line at creeps n predators
the reason i am so adamantly disgusted w/ ppl into incest/pedo/rape/zoo bullshit isnt because its “weird”, they cant use that excuse, its because its actively harmful and has real-world consequences in the way that someone having a sexual interest in, idk, balloons, never will.
sex positivity is good, in the appropriate space. but politics do not leave the bedroom, they permeate literally every aspect of our lives, and if you are too stubborn to critically analyze what you find attractive and weigh its implications outside of sex, youre a coward. sorry
thats all i have to say abt that but its about time i cleaned house anyway
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