1/5 Man charged with attempted murder of a police officer will await trial at home!

Yesterday, Judge Olu Stevens, released inmate Kenneth Walker on home incarceration. The Fraternal Order of Police condemns this Judge’s actions.
2/5 Just one week ago, this man violently attacked our officers, and was charged with attempted murder after shooting a sergeant! Not only is he a threat to the men and women of law enforcement, but he also poses a significant danger to the community we protect!
3/5 LMPD officers put their lives on the line everyday protecting the citizens of this community. Judge Stevens’ actions are a slap in the face to everyone wearing a badge, and places our community at risk of further violence.
4/5 While we understand the current needs of our local corrections facility, we must sound the alarm now. Home incarceration was not designed for the most violent offenders!
5/5 I call on the public to condemn the actions of Judge Olu Stevens, and support your Louisville Metro Police Officers and protect your community.
Ryan Nichols
River City Lodge 614
Fraternal Order of Police
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