People need to wake up and realize the threat posed by Bernie Sanders and his Russian bots and trolls. They’ve largely moved on from saying Biden has dementia and are now calling him a rapist. This is a coordinated Russian Active Measures campaign to re-elect Trump.
Right on cue, Bernie’s Russian troll and bot army swoops into the replies. How do you suppose they get wind of my anti-Bernie tweets so fast? It’s obviously programming.

Wake up people.

This is not a drill.

This is a Russian Active Measures campaign.
By the way, this thread was an intentional bug zapper for Bernie’s Russian bots and trolls.

Have fun blocking them as the swarm to the light!
Bernie’s Russian bots and trolls have 2 techniques:

1. They gaslight you by calling you crazy for saying they are Russian, in which case they get blocked for gaslighting (“BFG”)

2. They espouse Russian propaganda, in which case they get blocked for Russian propaganda (“BFRP”)
I’m enjoying this new approach the Russians are taking of politely asking for a debate over whether they really are Russians. Yeah, no, we are not going to be having that debate, comrades.
Let me see just how stupid these guys are:

Hey, if you’re a Russian bot or troll posing as an American Bernie Bro, please reply to this tweet!

Are any of them that stupid?
A closing note to Bernie’s Russian buddies:

Swarming to my threads and trying to gaslight me and spread your Russian propaganda only helps prove my point. This thread wouldn’t have been nearly as persuasive without your help. So thanks!
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