I think a lot of white liberals/ progressives who are grappling to understand how Trump can have approval ratings close to 50% during a botched pandemic response are missing the connection of how deeply white supremacy is tied to patriotism in our country.
It's what gave rise to the birther movement. Because for so many Americans their whiteness defined their country Obama had to be otherized. A Black liberal was too radical. It didn't matter that Barack Obama was a moderate in his governance any Black Dem was said to hate America.
The GOP has been assiduously working on creating a white ethno-state. Trump didn't come up with this plan but he is the catalyst that will get all the parts that have been put in place moving. Republicans understand they have a finite window to secure generational power.
After the gains of the Civil Rights movement Republicans saw government and the federal judiciary as a benefactors to Black People. It is the reason they want to destroy it. It is the reason McConnell has reshaped the courts. To ensure white dominance for the next 100 years.
As long as white liberals/ progressive keep misreading the modern GOP we will keep losing. Trump and his cronies are creating a white Christian ethno-state and talking about M4A or pushing Joe Rogan's podcast ain't the answer.
The only way to change this course is to defeat the Republican Party up and down the ballot. If you want to a keep and grow a multi-cultural liberal democracy then eradicating Republicanism is job one.
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