Coronavirus is set up by the Worlds Government; a thread:
U.S are enforcing a new law while all this Corona chaos is happening...

New Warning Issued For All WhatsApp And iMessage Users: ‘Major Threat’ To Encryption
The EARN IT Act could give law enforcement officials the backdoor they have long wanted — unless tech companies come together to stop it
As everyone is distracted with covid, the US government tryna pass a law where they have the right to scan every single message sent through any US messaging platform and they will look at every single message no matter which part of the world you’re in!
They have to wear Hazmat Suits to go near the 5G TOWERS!
Thousands of people in Sweden already have futuristic microchips implanted into their skin to carry out everyday activities and replace credit cards and cash.
Key information that the government tries to conceal
The New World Order!?

This video is 6 YEARS OLD! In relation to micro chips!

Watch this video

#5GCoronavirus Kung Flu

So 2 months after the Whales 5G investment this happened -

up to 300 dead birds fall out of the sky with organs spewing out

If it causes harm like this.

Why would they put it all over the world??
This is the infamous

“New World Order”
So they did an experiment and still they’re putting it everywhere knowing that it is harmful??

Every decade or so, something is release, these are plans for 2030

It would be China wouldn’t now

I wouldn’t be surprised is something else occurs then
Closing all schools and putting us on Lockdown gives them time to do what they have planned to do so

You guys need to wake us man
○1916 - emergence of Radio Waves
●1918 - Spanish Flu outbreak

○2003 - 3G introduced to the world
●2003 - SARS outbreak

○2009 - 4G introduced to the world
●2009 - Swine flu outbreak

○2019/20 - 5G introduced to the world
●2019/20 - Coronavirus outbreak

What's Next???
They shamelessly plugging 5G on my Timeline

“Now with 5G in more places across Europe than anyone else” check this out check this thread out as well
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