A thread of loud, dumb, and childish argument from the squad of #HospitalPlaylist
Bein loud 0.1 second after their first encounter #HospitalPlaylist
Of course, this iconic scene. #HospitalPlaylist
Snatching Seonghwa's shoes and playing it off as if they're highschool kid. They're 40s ffs #HospitalPlaylist
The kind of friendship that made you jealous #HospitalPlaylist
The way Ikjun tried to explain everything to Seokhyeon but Seokhyeon's face just— #HospitalPlaylist
One is cleaning the table, the other two busy arguing abt ex, the other other two on a phone call, and then one is preparing the food, the other taking pic of the food, the other two is still busy arguing abt ex, and the oth—
Just a very normal gathering #HospitalPlaylist
Junwan x Jeongwon is my ship™ #HospitalPlaylist
Junwan Jeongwon are the funniest ffs #HospitalPlaylist
I swear all of the dumbness happened in the squad are caused by Junwan #HospitalPlaylist
Junwan is at it again #HospitalPlaylist
Reason why adult Junwan is savage #HospitalPlaylist
wanna edit my thread's cover pics to these
the elder would be songhwa ikjun junwan seokhyeong jeongwon in the future. while current jeongwon roles would be replaced by u-joo cutie 🥺 #HospitalPlaylist
Junwan is wilding #HospitalPlaylist
Songhwa is really the center of their world ❤❤❤❤❤ #HospitalPlaylist
was about to cry when songhwa listening to Don't Worry by Lee Juck but ikjun and seokhyeong being dumb smh #HospitalPlaylist
them who being loud as usual, seokhyeong who report everything to his mom, jenius ikjun, and look how powerless junwan is hahahahahasdghdhsj #HospitalPlaylist
BEST FRIEND #HospitalPlaylist
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